Resultaten (404)

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The Chaplain-Researcher

The Perceived Impact Of Participation In A Dutch Research Project On Chaplains’ Professionalism

2022 || Paperback || Niels den Toom || Eburon

In March 2016 the Dutch Case Studies Project began in which about fifty chaplains participated as co-researchers in collecting practice-based evidence on what chaplains aim for, how they pursue it, and with what results. The chaplain-researchers produced case studies which were discussed collaboratively in research communities which were chaired by academic researchers. The engagement of chaplains in research can be understood from the development in the profession of integrating research int...

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Op losse schroeven

2019 || Hardcover || Patrick Allegaert || Hannibal

Waanzin ontregelt, slaat ons uit het lood

en neemt onze houvast weg. Toch stellen

sommige auteurs dat waanzin een uitvergroting

is van normaliteit. Maar hoe

kan datgene waar we geen vat op hebben

toch bij het ‘normale’ horen? En wat is

normaal? Hoe kan ‘dat andere’ ons zo

verstoren en fascineren tegelijk?

Al meer dan dertig jaar is de vaste opstelling

over psychiatrie het kloppende hart

van het Gentse Museum Dr. Guislain.

De geschiedenis van de psychiatrie

vormt elk jaar opnieuw de in...

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Dati-mi o mâna de ajutor

pedagogie moderna pentru lucrul cu persoane din spectrul autist

2015 || Paperback || Colette de Bruin || Graviant Educatieve Uitgaven


"Give me 5" (Geef me de 5, în limba Olandeza) este scrisa pentru parinti si educatori. A creste si educa un copil cu autism, CUM o faci? Despre asta este vorba în aceasta carte. Este scrisa din nevoia de a gasi claritatea si previzibilitatea pe care o necesita copilul cu autism. Este ca si cum copilul ne întreaba: "Give me 5". Sau altfel spus: CE trebuie sa fac ( care este sarcina mea), CUM o execut, UNDE va avea loc, CÂND trebuie sa-o fac, si CINE este implicat?

Citind se învata...

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Door andere ogen

|| Paperback || Esther Vliegenthart || Graviant Educatieve Uitgaven

Dit boek is geschreven om een positieve dialoog op gang te brengen over autisme. Autisme kent zoveel vormen en zoveel gezichten en is zoveel meer dan moeite hebben met oogcontact of verandering, met emoties en vriendschappen. Het is een boek met échte verhalen over kracht, hoop, succes, maar soms ook over teleurstelling, worsteling en verdriet. Voor sommigen is autisme vooral een onzichtbare handicap, voor anderen een manier om het leven op een andere manier te omarmen.De verhalen zijn die v...

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met 5% korting 45,60

Studying for your Social Work Degree

2022 || Paperback || Hilary Walker || SAGE

A complete guide to success on the social work degree.

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met 5% korting 48,45

Safeguarding Adults

Scamming and Mental Capacity

2017 || Paperback || Fenge || SAGE

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met 5% korting 109,25

The Care Act 2014

Wellbeing in Practice

2019 || Hardcover || Braye || Learning Matters

Takes students through a step-by-step approach into the Care Act 2014 by bringing key legislation into the focus of social work law.

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met 5% korting 118,75

The Penal System / Druk 6

2023 || Hardcover || Cavadino || SAGE

Now in its Sixth Edition, this book remains the most comprehensive and authoritative on the penal system, providing students with an incisive, critical account of the punitive, managerial and humanitarian approaches to criminal justice.

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met 5% korting 33,25

Sociology and Social Work

2021 || Paperback || Cunningham || SAGE

This book links sociological concepts, debates and theories relating to key areas such as poverty, social exclusion, education, social class and social justice to develop understanding of how sociological perspectives will impact upon social work placements and practice.

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met 5% korting 99,75

Critical Thinking and Professional Judgement for Social Work / Druk 5

2023 || Hardcover || Rutter || Learning Matters