Resultaten (12)
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Groupwork Practice for Social Workers
2014 || Paperback || Crawford || SAGE
Written to guide students through complex groupwork situations, this book explores the knowledge, skills and values required for groupwork practice.
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Social Work and Foster Care
2014 || Paperback || Cosis Brown || SAGE
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Social Policy and Social Change
2014 || Paperback || Jimenez || SAGE
Offers an examination of social policy through a social constructivist and economic lens. This book illuminates the root causes of common social problems and how policy has attempted to ameliorate them. It focuses on how social policies in the United States can be transformed to promote social justice for all groups.
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Criminals in the Making
2014 || Paperback || Wright || SAGE
This text presents biological and genetic research associated with criminality and examines research into specific environmental agents that cause, facilitate or maintain criminal propensity.
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The Nurture Versus Biosocial Debate in Criminology
On the Origins of Criminal Behavior and Criminality
2014 || Paperback || Beaver || SAGE
Providing a contemporary approach to the nature versus nurture debate, this book encourages reflection on the contest between environmental factors and the interplay between biology/genetics and environmental factors on criminal behaviour.
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Effective Meetings
Improving Group Decision Making
2014 || Paperback || Tropman || SAGE
This book is intended to help students and professionals become more aware of group decision making processes and how each member contributes to it to make better quality decisions.
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Counseling Theory
Guiding Reflective Practice
2014 || Paperback || Parsons || SAGE
Provides students with a snapshot of a particular theory/approach, the major thinkers associated with each theory, application to a single case study, and critical thinking and application questions to help students internalize the content presented and apply it to their own development as a counselor.
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Cameron, C: Disability Studies
2014 || Hardcover || Cameron || SAGE
Bringing together a range of expert voices to tackle the essential topics relevant to the study of disability from a social perspective, this interdisciplinary introduction includes over 50 chapters relevant across health and social care.
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Community Projects as Social Activism: From Direct Action to Direct Services
2014 || Paperback || Benjamin H. Shepard || SAGE
Outlines a distinct approach to community practice born out of the intersection among social movements, day-to-day organizing, and the lessons of five decades of community change practices. This book is suitable for anyone involved in community organization, community health, and community activism practice research and policy.
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Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
Putting Theory Into Action
2014 || Paperback || Morgaine || SAGE
"Provides an important step in the ongoing evolution of generalist practice in social work. It continues a rich tradition [that] challenges the profession to become more and more explicit about the revolutionary aspect of practice" - Christian Itin, Metropolitan State University of Denver