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met 5% korting 47,49

The Dealing Room Explanations Book

Exam Preparation for the FiMa Certificate (Financial Markets Professional)

2022 || Paperback || Tony Illis || Brave New Books

The Financial Markets Professional training is provided by TLM Academy and the University of Amsterdam. The training has been given within the top tier banks in the Netherlands since 2009. The training course consists of fourteen modules of three hours each. If the FiMa exam is passed the participant receives a certification as Financial Markets Professional.

The FiMa certificate is a post-graduate diploma from the University of Amsterdam which results in a registration in the worldwide FiMa...

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met 5% korting 76,00

De Dealingroom

De demystificatie van de dealingroom

2021 || Paperback || Tony Illis || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

In de jaren na de kredietcrisis hebben financiële instellingen het nieuws gedomineerd en vaak op negatieve wijze. De oorzaak van de kredietcrisis lag, zoals inmiddels bekend, niet in de reguliere, traditionele dienstverlening van banken, maar lag in het trading-bedrijf (het voor eigen rekening handelen in complexe financiële producten.

De Dealingroom is het eerste en enige boek dat inzicht geeft in hoe banken en hedgefunds precies hun geld verdienen met de handel in deze complexe producte...

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VAT in NL & EU

2020 || Paperback || Burak Gokalp || Brave New Books || met inkijkexemplaar

Here it is, a broad scope of VAT topics, touching all kind of different subjects from one world,

the world of VAT.

Some wordings in this book are referring to the same meaning, used in different

terminology. When talking about taxes, I mean VAT. When talking about a company, I mean

a VAT entrepreneur (unless stated otherwise). The law and relevant decrees are used as a basis in order to compile this book. Since some regulations are not clear or because some practical issues are not reflected ...

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Economie moet beter

Christelijk-filosofische dialoog met economen over wetenschap en praktijk

2022 || Paperback || Roel Jongeneel || Brave New Books

Er zijn grote problemen met de manier waarop we onze economie vormgeven. De volhoudbaarheid daarvan roept steeds meer vragen op. In "Economie moet beter" laat Roel Jongeneel zien dat de crises rond economie en het economisch handelen niet losgezien kunnen worden van manco’s in het economisch denken. Door met economen in dialoog te gaan en hen te bevragen op hun assumpties, mensbeeld en world view probeert hij de kritieke punten bloot te leggen. Tenslotte biedt hij, vanuit een christelijk-fi...

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Balanced Economy

Gift-money / Lend-money / Buy-money

|| Paperback || H.J. Gels || Brave New Books

It has been 100 years since Rudolf Steiner introduced the breaking idea 'threefolding' of human life. The fundamentals are autonomy of cultural life (based on freedom), social life (based on equality), and economic life (based on brotherhood). He repeatedly emphasized that the threefolding of the social organism is absolutely necessary for the future of our society. Otherwise we inevitably face cultural death and social chaos. During his life Steiner did his utmost to realise this, but he exp...