Resultaten (34)
Hawkins, K: Mindful Teacher, Mindful School
2017 || Hardcover || Hawkins || SAGE
With this guide to mindful practice, teachers will learn how to use mindfulness in their own professional and personal lives as well as how to incorporate it in their teaching to support student wellbeing.
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Alles wat je aandacht geeft, groeit
de kunst van het'transparant' managen
2003 || Hardcover || Cor Smit || Reed business
Alles wat je aandacht geeft, groeit
De kunst van het ' transparant' managen
Wat werkt er bij het gezond maken van de communicatie tussen manager en medewerker? Dit boek geeft niet alleen antwoord op die vraag, maar is ook leidraad voor managers die de relatie met hun medewerkers willen verbeteren ten einde een beter werkklimaat te creëren. Transparant managen is daarbij het sleutelwoord.
Voor wie bestemd
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The Truth about Teaching
An evidence-informed guide for new teachers
2018 || Hardcover || Ashman || SAGE
Find out how to avoid common mistakes and challenge some of the myths about what good teaching really is.
Stapsgewijs ontwikkelen en leren / Druk 2
2025 || Hardcover || C.E. Oenema-Mostert e.a. || Noordhoff
- Slaat brug tussen de praktijk en de theorie over ontwikkeling en leren;
- werk stap voor stap toe naar handelingsgericht werken;
- veel voorbeelden, casuïstiek en stappenschema’s.
Stapsgewijs leren en ontwikkelen – Stap voor stap van praktijk naar theorie jonge kind biedt studenten een wetenschappelijk onderbouwde visie op de neurologische ontwikkeling en het leren van jonge kinderen. Dit boek helpt (toekomstige) leerkrachten en opleiders om een voorwaardenscheppende leeromgeving creë...
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Understanding and Teaching Primary English
2023 || Hardcover || Clements || SAGE
Inspiring and supporting students to become an insightful, creative and professional teacher of primary English.
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Engaging, Motivating and Empowering Learners in Schools
2018 || Hardcover || Hewitt || SAGE
This book gives you smart, pragmatic guidance backed by evidence-based research on how to engage and inspire in your teaching. It looks at both how you can influence and shape the learning that goes on in your classroom and how you can apply key lessons to your own professional development as a teacher.
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What Comes Before Phonics? / Druk 2
2023 || Hardcover || Neaum || Learning Matters
This book looks in detail at the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes that children need to enable them to come to phonics teaching ready to learn and with a good chance of success.
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Teaching Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling in Primary Schools
2022 || Hardcover || David Waugh e.a. || SAGE
This popular text provides the subject knowledge you need to teach grammar, punctuation and spelling and explores how to teach it.
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Teaching Systematic Synthetic Phonics in Primary Schools
2022 || Hardcover || Wendy Jolliffe e.a. || SAGE
The complete guide to teaching systematic synthetic phonics in primary schools.
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The A-Z of Primary Teaching
2023 || Hardcover || Austin || Learning Matters
This student reference A-Z book supports trainee teachers to learn the 'language' of schools and teaching. It covers a wide range of terms used in schools and education in the UK.