Resultaten (18)
maandag verzonden
The SAGE Handbook of Social Media
2017 || Hardcover || Burgess || SAGE
This highly international handbook addresses the most significant research themes, methodological approaches and debates about social media. Leading scholars provide a range of disciplinary perspectives.
maandag verzonden
The Cultural Industries
2019 || Hardcover || Hesmondhalgh || SAGE
Bringing together a huge range of research, theory and key concepts, David Hesmondhalgh provides an accessible yet critical exploration of cultural production and consumption in the global media landscape. This new edition explores the effects of digitalisation on culture and analyses the influence of IT and tech companies like Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook on the cultural industries.
maandag verzonden
Understanding Journalism
2018 || Hardcover || Sheridan Burns || SAGE
With a new chapter on visual storytelling and expanded coverage of digital and social media platforms, the third edition of this bestselling text explains the principles and techniques required to become a successful - and valued - journalist.
maandag verzonden
Exploring Media Research
Theories, Practice, and Purpose
2017 || Hardcover || Ruddock || SAGE
This book is a pragmatic guide to both gathering and analysing media data and helps readers make sense of how media are involved in politics, by bringing media research to life with vivid case studies.
maandag verzonden
Theorizing Digital Cultures
2018 || Hardcover || Bollmer || SAGE
Explaining how digital media affect identities, bodies, social relations, artistic practices and the environment, this book helps students understand the key theoretical approaches in the field.
maandag verzonden
Understanding Copyright
Intellectual Property in the Digital Age
2015 || Paperback || Klein || SAGE
Taking a rounded view of the debates that have emerged around copyright in the digital age, this book looks across a broad range of industries to consider the issues of media power and policy.
maandag verzonden
Key Concepts in Creative Industries
2012 || Paperback || Hartley || SAGE
This is a one-stop introductory text for students wanting to understand the creative industries, what they are, what they do and how they affect our society.
maandag verzonden
Understanding Media Economics
2013 || Hardcover || Doyle || SAGE
Long waited second edition of this popular exploration of media economics. Will be adopted on courses across media management, media policy and the creative industries.
maandag verzonden
Youth and Media
2013 || Paperback || Ruddock || SAGE
A fascinating student introduction to the popular subject of how the media influence young people. Covering all the key topics and full of international case studies, it will be adopted on courses on youth media and youth culture across media studies, cultural studies and sociology.
maandag verzonden
The Creative Industries
Culture and Policy
2011 || Paperback || Flew || SAGE
A much needed book that weaves together the varying strands of the growing term 'The Creative Industries'. International in coverage, the book traces the historical and contemporary ideas that make the term more relevant today that its ever been.