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Tuinarchitect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard (1782-1851) en de landschapsstijl
2021 || Hardcover || Rita Radetzky || Uitgeverij Noordboek || met inkijkexemplaar
Tuinarchitect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard werd in 1782 geboren in het Drentse Rolde en overleed in Leeuwarden in 1851. Dit boek plaatst zijn werk in de context van de tuinarchitectuur in Noordwest-Europa. Roodbaard werkte in de landschapsstijl die zich kenmerkt door kronkelpaden, slingervijvers, open en dichte tuindelen en tuinsieraden zoals priëlen.
Roodbaards levensloop is beschreven waarbij vele verrassende nieuwe feiten aan het licht kwamen. Hij was favoriet binnen een groot netwerk van de F...
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Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action
2021 || Paperback || Menno van der Veen e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English see below
Participate! Portraits of Cities and Citizens in Action is een inleiding tot de complexe wereld van de stadsontwikkeling, identiteit en participatie. In het boek wordt uitgelegd hoe in het zelfbeeld van steden resoneert in hun benadering van de stadsontwikkeling. De basis van het boek bestaat uit zes portretten van Europese steden: Berlijn, Hamburg, Parijs, Lyon, Amsterdam en Groningen.
Het boek voorziet in een behoefte door een algemene inleiding tot de genoemde steden,...
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LDE Heritage Conference on Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals
2021 || Paperback || Uta Pottgiesser e.a. || TU Delft Open
Heritage—natural and cultural, material and immaterial—plays a key role in the development of sustainable cities and communities. Goal 11, target 4, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) emphasizes the relation between heritage and sustainability. The International LDE Heritage conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Goals, which took place from 26 to 28 November 2019 at TU Delft in the Netherlands, examined the theories, methodologies, and practices of heritage and SDGs....
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Algorithmic Sustainable Design: Twelve Lectures on Architecture
2021 || Paperback || Nikos A. Salingaros || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
Twelve one-hour video lectures are archived online, and can be accessed for free. These lectures apply cutting-edge mathematical techniques to architectural and urban design. The course material is original, and includes innovative topics such as algorithms, fractals, cellular automata, complexity, emergence, information theory, symmetries, scaling, codes, and networks, here introduced into architecture and urbanism for the first time. Students from around the world can now learn the intellig...
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Common Ground
Dutch-South African Architectural Exchanges, 1902-1961
2021 || Hardcover || Nicholas J. Clarke e.a. || Ef & Ef Media
The richness and diversity of Dutch contributions to the built environment of South Africa remain little-known in the study of twentieth-century architectural history. Between 1902 and 1961 more than seventy Dutch-born émigré architects were active from the Cape to the Highveld, both in major towns and remote areas, and they designed hundreds of buildings and neighbourhoods. A sequel to the acclaimed Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens: A Shared Dutch Built Heritage in South Africa, Common Ground reve...
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Platform Urbanism
Australian 2021 Biennale
2021 || Paperback || Helge Mooshammer e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
For English see below
Platform Urbanism beschrijft de toenemende mate waarin baanbrekende technologie wordt toegepast in de stedelijke omgeving.
Het gaat hierbij om veranderingen die niet alleen worden veroorzaakt door de technologie, maar ook door de interactie tussen technologische innovatie en sociale en culturele behoeften. Digitale platforms zoals Facebook, Uber, Airbnb en Amazon zijn niet alleen nieuwe soorten ondernemingen, maar staan ook voor een compleet nieuwe manier van leven – v...
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Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature 6
Meaningfulness, Appropriation and Integration in/of City Narratives
2022 || Paperback || Giuseppe Resta e.a. || nai010 uitgevers publishers
The Writingplace journal for Architecture and Literature is an international, open-acces, peer-reviewed journal on architecture and literature. Each issue of the journal focuses on themes central to the fruitful relationship between architecture and literature.
This Writingplace journal issue Meaningfulness, Appropriation and Integration in/of City Narratives is developed in context of the EU COST Action “Writing Urban Places”. From an inter- or a multidisciplinary theoretical perspecti...
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Living Stations
The Design of Metro Stations in the (east flank) metropolitan areas of Rotterdam
2021 || Paperback || Manuela Triggianese e.a. || TU Delft Open
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Mitigating the Risks in Energy Retrofits of Residential Buildings in China
2021 || Paperback || Ling Jia || TU Delft Open
To speed up residential energy retrofitting in the Hot Summer and Cold Winter(HSCW) zone, the barriers to retrofitting projects need elimination. Energy retrofitting contributes to improving building quality and living comfort, but has not been accepted by the public. It stems from poor project performance in quality, time, costs, etc. The risk is an essential factor hindering such project objectives and project success. Residential energy retrofitting in China is exposed to various risks due...
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Binnenklimaat en Adaptief Thermisch Comfort
2021 || Paperback || Stanley Kurvers e.a. || Delft Digital Press