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Mapping Landscape Spaces
Understanding, interpretation, and the use of spatial-visual landscape characteristics in landscape design
2020 || Paperback || Mei Liu || TU Delft Open
Landscape design focuses on the construction and articulation of outdoor space and results in landscape architectonic compositions. In order to communicate about three-dimensional forms and functions, vocabulary, representations, and tools (in terms of spatial-visual characteristics) are of fundamental importance for landscape architects to describe, interpret, and manipulate landscape spaces. While combining design vocabulary and landscape indicators, qualitative and quantitative mapping app...
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Exploring a New Urbanism
Two Decades of Urban/City Research at the Ax:son Johnson Foundation
2020 || Paperback || Michael W. Mehaffy || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
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Het architectonisch werk van A.J. Kropholler
De zwaarte van de materie
2020 || Hardcover || Herman van Bergeijk || nai010 uitgevers publishers
Baksteen is het bouwmateriaal bij uitstek dat de identiteit van de Nederlandse architectuur heeft bepaald. Er zijn weinig architecten die baksteen zo prominent op de kaart hebben gezet als A.J. Kropholler (1881–1973) met gebouwen als het Van Abbemuseum, de huidige Willem de Kooning Academie en het raadhuis van Waalwijk.
Na decennialange belangstelling voor het werk van de Nederlandse modernisten lijkt er een kentering te zijn aangebroken nu wordt ingezien dat ook het alstraditioneel bestemp...
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Vol vertrouwen de kerk verbouwen
Werkboek voor kerkelijke gemeenten met verbouwplannen
2020 || Paperback || Daphne van der Knijff-Looman || Daphne van der Knijff-Looman || met inkijkexemplaar
Dit werkboek geeft handvatten voor kerkrentmeesters, CvB leden en bouwcommissieleden voor praktische zaken op het gebied van budget, planning, vergunningen etc. Ook is er aandacht voor ‘het waarom’ van de verbouwing. Wat is de aanleiding en wat is het doel? En hoe betrek je de gemeente op een positieve manier bij het hele proces?
Naast informatie van professionals, delen kerkrentmeesters, CvB leden en bouwcommissieleden die al een verbouwing achter de rug hebben hun ervaringen. Wat had...
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ISSUE 4 - Who shot Le Corbusier?
The architect of the century and his photographers
2020 || Paperback || Daniel Naegele e.a. || TU Delft Open
Who were Le Corbusier’s photographers? The question is seldom asked yet is germane to understanding the architect’s work. Le Corbusier used photography to promote modern architecture in ways no others did. He directed the photography of his buildings, selected the images that he liked, cropped them, abstracted them, and placed them on the pages of his many books. He mediated the medium of photography manipulating visual facts in an era when “the camera never lied”. Yet always ...
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Cyber-physical Architecture #3
Actuated and Performative Architecture: Emerging Forms of Human-Machine Interaction
2020 || Paperback || Margherita Pillan e.a. || TU Delft Open
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Exploding the Myths of Modern Architecture
2022 || Paperback || Malcolm Millais || Mijnbestseller.nl || met inkijkexemplaar
The Modern movement began in the 1920s when a small group of young architects felt all that had gone before should be rejected and that architectural design should start afresh. This fresh start, they declared, should be based on modern technology and a new, modern approach to life. Their innovations became the 20th century’s dominant movement in architecture, crystallizing into the international style of the 1920s and '30s. In Exploding the Myths of Modern Architecture, Malcolm Millais exp...
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Footprint 26. The Architecture Competition as ‘Contact Zone
Towards a Historiography of Cross-Cultural Exchanges
2020 || Paperback || Cathelijne Nuijsink e.a. || Jap Sam Books
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Atlas of Athen's Incomplete Buildings - A Story of Hidden Antimonuments
2022 || Paperback || Maria Lalou e.a. || Jap Sam Books
With this work in the form of a book, Maria Lalou & Skafte Aymo-Boot present the phenomenon of a particular pending architecture mutely present all over Athens. The concrete skeletons of polykatoikia – multi-story apartment buildings – are emblematic of the development of modern Greece throughout the second half of the twentieth century.
The book deals with the politics of urban space by treating the unfinished buildings as study objects and tracing their individual histories. Through the...