Resultaten (183)

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden


A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

2018 || Paperback || Jia-Rey Chang || TU Delft Open

This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using "Computation", "Embodiment", and "Biology" to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

sustainability and resilience

socio-spatial perspective

2018 || Paperback || Alenka Fikfak e.a. || TU Delft Open

Sustainability and resilience have become indispensable parts of the contemporary debate over the built environment. Although recognised as imperatives, the complexity and the variety of interpretations of sustainability and resilience have raised the necessity to again rethink their notion in the context of the built environment and to reframe the state-of-the-art body of knowledge.

The purpose of this book is to present ongoing research from the universities involved in the project Creating...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

From the Village to the Neighbourhood

The transformation of open spaces through public housing

2021 || Paperback || Toni García || TU Delft Open

This publication presents the study of urban transformation and opportunities for urban upgrading through the rehabilitation and recycling of neighbourhoods, exploring the past and present of the housing estates of the main Galician industrial cities in order to discover, on different scales, how the public housing projects built in the second half of the twentieth century were formed, how their urban integration process has taken shape, what the open spaces associated with public housing are...

Vandaag besteld,
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2022 || Paperback || Section Of Landscape Architecture || TU Delft

This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantive dimensions of the teaching of this appealing and highly relevant discipline at the academic level.

The book has three parts. The first part – PROFILE – discusses the context and events that led up to the develop...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden


A cross-disciplinary model for the (re)development of circular building envelopes

2023 || Paperback || Juan F. Azcárate-Aguerre || TU Delft

The clean energy and Circular Economy transitions in the Built Environment have respectively dominated the academic dialogue in architecture, engineering, and real estate for the last 20+ years. While significant progress has been done, and many fine examples of more sustainable architecture exist, the process has been hindered by traditional systemic models for the planning, contracting, financing, construction, and management of building projects.

If we are to meet the ambitious climate-cha...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Sensing the Cultural Significance with AI for Social Inclusion

A Computational Spatiotemporal Network-­based Framework of Heritage Knowledge Documentation using User-Generated Content

2023 || Paperback || Nan Bai || TU Delft

Social Inclusion has been growing as a goal in heritage management. Whereas the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) called for tools of knowledge documentation, social media already functions as a platform for online communities to actively involve themselves in heritage-related discussions. Such discussions happen both in “baseline scenarios” when people calmly share their experiences about the cities they live in or travel to, and in “activated scenarios...

Vandaag besteld,
maandag verzonden

Towards a circular building industry through digitalisation

Exploring how digital technologies can help narrow, slow, close, and regenerate the loops in social housing practice

2023 || Paperback || Sultan Çetin || TU Delft

This thesis explores the integration of Circular Economy (CE) principles of narrow, slow, close, and regenerate in the social housing practice through digital technologies. Beginning with the examination of the CE implementation in Dutch social housing organisations, the research extends its focus to the broader built environment, introducing the Circular Digital Built Environment Framework and identifying ten enabling technologies. Subsequent chapters explore real-world applications of these...

Vandaag besteld,
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Landscapes of Trade

Towards sustainable spatial planning for the logistics complex in the Netherlands

2024 || Paperback || Merten Nefs || TU Delft

By combining different perspectives and methods of empirical research, this PhD thesis generates multi-disciplinary insights into the rise of the logistics complex and its planning discourse whilst focusing specifically on XXL distribution centres (DCs) in the Netherlands. Since the 1980s, the building footprint of this complex has increased fourfold, to approximately 80 million square metres, generating a new large-scale landscape type: Landscapes of Trade. The research addresses urgent i...

Vandaag besteld,
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Daily Mobility in Metropolitan Areas

The case of higher education students and urban spatial ­development in the Valparaiso Metropolitan Area

2024 || Paperback || Marcela Soto || TU Delft

This study seeks to understand the interrelationship between daily mobility and the spatial structure of an emerging metropolitan urban system. It is concerned with the daily mobility of a specific group of inhabitants, higher education students, living in a contemporary metropolis and experiencing urban living. The study’s main aim is to better understand aspects of this complex urban spatial structure through the students’ lives and through their daily mobility to explore specific urban...

Vandaag besteld,
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met 5% korting 69,97


2021 || Paperback || Edwin Reynders || Acco || met inkijkexemplaar

Onder impuls van de aanhoudende, wereldwijde toename van het verkeer en de verstedelijkingsgraad treedt de lawaaiproblematiek in en rond gebouwen steeds meer op de voorgrond. In deze context zijn de isolatie van het lucht-, contact- en gevelgeluid, naast de geluidabsorptie, belangrijke prestatiekenmerken van gebouwen. Dit boek stelt de lezer in staat om die kenmerken te begrijpen, te beoordelen, te voorspellen en te verbeteren. Bouwakoestiek is bedoeld voor studenten, ingenieurs, architecten,...