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Resultaten (249)
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Company: Movements, Deals and Drinks
2015 || Paperback || Kathrin Böhm e.a. || Jap Sam Books
Een van Londens gekende maar toch vrij obscure geschiedenissen betreft het feit dat in de periode tussen de vroege jaren 1800 tot de jaren 1950, ruim 250.000 Londenaren uit de arbeidersklasse - vooral vrouwen en kinderen - uit het East End vertrokken om de late zomerweken op het platteland in Kent door te brengen. Wat in de volkstaal omschreven werd als 'to go picking', cre
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2017 || Paperback || Frans van Lent || Jap Sam Books
TheParallelShow is een initiatief van Frans van Lent en het Unnoticed Art Festival. TheParallelShow is een serie experimentele samenwerkingen tussen kunstenaars werkzaam op het gebied van de performance kunst. De 10 shows vonden onverwacht plaats in en rondom publieke tentoonstellingen in kunstinstellingen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten. TheParallelShows werden nooit aangekondigd, er werden geen uitnodigingen verstuurd en TheParallelShow liet nooit fysieke sporen achter.
De kern van het bo...
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CES53, USA graffiti tour 1992.
Dutch graffiti artist CES53, USA graffiti tour 1992 blackbook, featuring DAYS and ZEDZ.
2024 || Paperback || Abyssus PRESS || Brave New Books
Reproduction of the CES53, USA 1992 graffiti tour blackbook. Handmade scrapbook by CES53, Dutch graffiti and street art pioneer. Featuring Dutch graffiti artists, DAYS and ZEDZ, and pieces by REAS and SHORE. Photos taken in Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Miami.
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Erased and not erased
2023 || Paperback || Fabrice Souvereyns e.a. || Exhibitions International
Armed with pencil, eraser and breaker knife, Fabrice Souvereyns (°1995 Tongeren) creates a detailed world from intense observations and perceptions.
Souvereyns’s young oeuvre draws inspiration from the physical world, from fauna and flora and from what is visible to humankind in the skies. In addition, more ‘invisible’ themes also play a substantial role in the work. The influence of, for example, science cannot be denied, while art history also serves as inspiration for the artist’s...
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In the Shadow of the Art Work
art-Based Learning in Practice
2019 || Paperback || Jeroen Lutters || Valiz
Kunst is een vorm van denken, een bijzondere bron van kennis. In deze publicatie wordt de lezer ingeleid in de methode van Art-Based Learning: een benadering die de toeschouwer in staat stelt om met kunstwerken in dialoog te gaan.
Aan de hand van drie triptieken laat de auteur zien hoe kunstwerken werken als “sprekende objecten”. Deze studie is bedoeld voor studenten en docenten theologie, filosofie en antropologie, theater- en filmwetenschap, literatuurwetenschappen en (kunst)geschiedeni...
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Burning Images
A History of Effigy Protests
2021 || Paperback || Florian Göttke || Valiz
Effigy hanging and burning, a specific theatrical form of political protest, has become increasingly visible in the news media, particularly in protests against United States military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, in US domestic politics, and in the Arab Spring. Taking these events as points of departure, Göttke investigates the conditions of this visual genre of protest, its roots and genealogies in a number of countries, its aesthetics and politics.
Effigy protests communicate comm...
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MIRAGES. Lieven Hendriks
2022 || Paperback || Lieven Hendriks e.a. || Jap Sam Books
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De Onderstroom / The Undercurrent. Robbie Cornelissen & Karin van Dam
2023 || Paperback || Cornel Bierens e.a. || Jap Sam Books / Museum Rijswijk
"De Onderstroom / The Undercurrent" is published by Jap Sam Books i.c.w. Museum Rijswijk, on the occasion of the exhibition Robbie Cornelissen & Karin van Dam. The Undercurrent in Museum Rijswijk (March 26th - June 11th, 2023) in which the artists combine drawings, objects, and animations. "De Onderstroom / The Undercurrent" gives an insight into the distinctive and long-standing collaboration between two artists, who, in addition to their own artistic practice, find each other in shared fasc...
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2023 || Paperback || Hee-Seung Choi || Jap Sam Books
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A conversation piece
The world of Bruegel
2018 || Paperback || Abdelkader Benali e.a. || Hannibal
The Battle Between Carnival and Lent is a masterpiece by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1525/30-1569). Dating from 1559, the world-famous painting is rich in remarkable stories and characters.
This book zooms in on the many everyday objects portrayed by Bruegel in the painting. These objects have been meticulously examined and interpreted through a contemporary gaze. Just as Bruegel's paintings served in the sixteenth century as conversation pieces among guests at dinner, so too this book prese...