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Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean
2025 || Hardcover || Jill Hilditch e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
The identification of ceramic imports within prehistoric and historic assemblages has long been the primary indicator for identifying connections between different sites and regions. Yet this has fostered a presence/absence diagnosis for contact between different communities. Approaches such as post-colonial perspectives and network analysis, which focus on the nature of the connections, are now beginning to offer more meaningful ways of considering past interactions. These approaches can bri...
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Purses in Pieces / Druk 2
archaeological finds of late medieval and 16th-century leather purses, pouches, bags and cases in the Netherlands
2017 || Paperback || Olaf Goubitz || Spa uitgevers B.V.
In this book you will find a complete overview of medieval shoes from Olaf Goubitz. There are contributions of Carol van Driel-Murray on Roman shoes and from Willy Groenman-van Waatering on prehistoric shoes. You will find hundreds and hundreds of drawings and reconstructions and viarities. It is possible to make your own shoes, based on the reconstructions and drawings presented. The specialist finds a complete classification model for medieval shoes and will find it easy to classify his own...
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Bones at a crossroads
Integrating Worked Bone Research with Archaeometry and Social Zooarchaeology
2021 || Paperback || Markus Wild e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
Bone tool studies are at a crossroads. A current path is to go beyond the concatenation of methods or concepts borrowed from other disciplines and aim instead at a truly integrated approach that is more in line with the objectives of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
The papers in this volume follow this direction by adopting various forms of dialogue and integration between old and new methods and approaches, including technological analysis, usewear analysis, typology, zooa...
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Millet and What Else?
The Wider Context of the Adoption of Millet Cultivation in Europe
2022 || Paperback || Wiebke Kirleis e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
Broomcorn/common/proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) is a cereal crop that originated in East Asia and was transferred westward to Europe, where it was introduced in the mid-2nd millennium BCE, at the height of the Bronze Age. Archaeobotanists from the Collaborative Research Centre 1266, supported by many colleagues, conducted a large-scale programme of radiocarbon dating of millet grains from prehistoric Europe. They discovered that the spread of this crop on the continent happened quickly, ext...
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Settling Waterscapes in Europe
The Archaeology of Neolithic & Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings
2022 || Paperback || Albert Hafner e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
Pile dwellings have been explored over a vast region for a number of decades now. This has led to the development of different ways, methods, and even schools of under-water and peat-bog excavation practices and data analysis techniques under the influence of different research traditions in individual countries. On the one hand, these and other factors can limit our understanding of the past, whilst on the other hand they can also open up further avenues of interpretation.
By collecting the ...
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Separation, hybridisation, and networks
Globular Amphora sedentary pastoralists ca. 3200-2700 BCE
2023 || Hardcover || Johannes Müller || Sidestone Press Academics
Around 3000 BCE, a turning point occurred in Europe: Long-existing regional societies entered into a process of transformation. The result is a world in which new global communication networks brought different regions closer together. From 3200/3100 BCE, the Globular Amphora phenomenon (GA) was the trailblazer in Eastern and Central Europe. Due to a focus on pastoral subsistence, in comparison to more agrarian economic systems, new ritual practices formed in light of a more flexible form of ...
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Containers of Change
Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia
2023 || Paperback || Olivier Nieuwenhuyse e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
Across Western Asia, the astonishing increase in the availability of durable ceramic containers in the seventh millennium BCE had significant societal repercussions – so much so that vital social, economic, and symbolic activities became dependent upon the availability of pottery containers. These early ceramic containers, however, established themselves alongside flourishing pre-existing container traditions, with vessels made in a wide range of materials including clay, bitumen, basketry,...
Epistemology, Economics, and Ethics
A Practical Philosophy of Prehistoric Archaeology
2023 || Hardcover || Konrad Ott || Sidestone Press Academics
This book is intended to be a groundwork of how to theorise prehistory and archaeology and how to make connectivities between the past and the present. It is divided into four parts. The first part is epistemological. It explains why there must be theoretical investments if past ways of human life are to be understood and explained. This insight is specified to a ladder-model (sensu Hawkes) with conceptual scaffoldings on each step. Stepwise, sets of concepts are introduced. This constitutes ...
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Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean
2024 || Paperback || Stratos Nanoglou e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1973 and published in 1974) and the 30th anniversary of Lauren Talalay’s Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1983 and published in 1993).
Central to this work are three key questions: What advancements have been made since these sem...
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Appropriating Height
Movement and Mobility in Highland Landscapes of Southwest Asia
2024 || Hardcover || Sepideh Maziar e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
The essays in this book focus on archaeological approaches to the utilization of highland regions in southwestern and central Asia, examining the interplay between human communities and highland landscapes from the Paleolithic era to the present.
Contributions combine case studies with theoretical considerations to explore adaptive strategies of movement. They discuss the significance of mobility within archaeological and anthropological discourse. Contributors engage with critical questions:...