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Valsheid in Gesteente
Onderzoek naar de aard van de Vermaning-artefacten
2022 || Hardcover || Frans de Vries e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum
De vuistbijlen van Tjerk Vermaning binnenstebuiten gekeerd. Wie zit(ten) achter deze en andere grootschalige vervalsingen?
Tjerk Vermaning en zijn omstreden vuistbijlen staan nog altijd in de belangstelling. En dat ruim 50 jaar na zijn eerste spraakmakende ontdekking: een mammoetjagerskampement bij Hoogersmilde (Dr.) dat uit de Neanderthalertijd zou stammen, zo’n 60.000 jaar geleden. De hernieuwde focus op Tjerk Vermaning begon enkele jaren geleden met de roman ‘Tjerk’ en in 2018/2019 w...
2023 || Hardcover || Marcel Niekus e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum
Tussen 9000 en 5000 v.Chr. was een groot deel van de provincie Drenthe bedekt door uitgestrekte oerbossen, her en der onderbroken door open plekken en graslanden. Tal van riviertjes en beken zochten hun weg door het glooiende landschap naar drassige, laaggelegen gebieden en uiteindelijk naar de Noordzee, die op dat moment nog honderden kilometers voorbij de horizon lag. In dit oerbos tierde het leven welig met veel voor ons bekende dieren, zoals bevers, herten, vogels en knaagdieren, maar ook...
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De la gloria al olvido
Estudio arqueológico de la primera ciudad española fundada en la Tierra Firme de América: Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién
2020 || Paperback || Alberto Sarcina || Leiden University Press
Este libro resume seis años de investigación arqueológica en el sitio donde fué fundada la primera ciudad europea en la tierra continental de América, Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién. Una experiencia en el noroeste Colombiano que, a una rigurosa investigación arqueológica conducida con el método estratigráfico, une un amplio trabajo con la comunidad y un enfoque multidisciplinario.
Santa MarÃa de la Antigua del Darién fue la primera ciudad que los españoles fundaron en la â...
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The Early and Middle Pleistocene Archaeological Record of Greece / druk 1
Current status and future prospects
2010 || Paperback || V. Tourloukis || Leiden University Press
By applying a fieldwork-based, geoarchaeological approach, Tourloukis examines in this study the evidence from Greece within the framework of the earliest occupation of Europe. Although the Greek Peninsula lies within a core area of early hominin movements between Africa and Europe but also within Eurasia itself, the Lower Palaeolithic record of Greece remains as yet extremely poor.
Choosing the scanty Greek record as a case-study, Tourloukis elaborates on a hitherto largely overlooked subjec...
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Manipulations post-mortem du corps humain
2018 || Hardcover || Jennifer Kerner || Sidestone Press Dissertations
La mort d'autrui est une épreuve que les communautés humaines ont dû apprendre à surmonter dès les premiers temps de l'Humanité. Ce travail est une exploration des différentes réponses proposées par l'homme face au problème de la perte de l'autre à travers les gestes effectués sur le corps mort, depuis les soins thanatopraxiques jusqu'aux funérailles en plusieurs temps ou la création de reliques.La manipulation post-mortem des corps fournit régulièrement à l'archéologue des ...
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Una Isla, Dos Mundos
2018 || Hardcover || Eduardo Herrera Malatesta || Sidestone Press Dissertations
Para las poblaciones indÃgenas la llegada de Colon al Caribe en 1492 significó una transformación y reestructuración de su mundo, incluyendo cambios a niveles culturales, sociales, económicos y polÃticos. En este trabajo se proponen modelos interpretativos sobre la transformación del paisaje indÃgena al colonial, a través de la aplicación de una investigación arqueológica regional que integró los conceptos de taskscape y paisajes en conflicto con análisis estadÃsticos y de Sist...
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Seascape Corridors
2018 || Hardcover || Emma Slayton || Sidestone Press Dissertations
There is little evidence of the routes connecting Amerindian communities in the Caribbean prior to and just after 1492. Uncovering possible canoe routes between these communities can help to explain the structure, capabilities, and limitations of the physical links in their social and material networks. This book evaluates how routes connecting islands indicate the structure of past inter-island networks, by using computer modeling.Computer modeling and least-cost pathway analysis is a popula...
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Embracing Bell Beaker
Adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium
2019 || Hardcover || Jos Kleijne || Sidestone Press Dissertations
This book deals with the question how communities across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC adopt and transform the Bell Beaker phenomenon differently. By looking at these processes of change from the perspective of settlements and settlement material culture, an interpretation is given to the development of this phenomenon that is alternative to the currently prevailing migration models.
Instead, the author uses social theories on the spread of innovations, the development and functio...
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Habitus? The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation
2019 || Paperback || Slawomir Kadrow e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
The problem of the social dimension of technology and transformation seen in the perspective of the habitus has been repeatedly undertaken in various works. However, the complexity of these phenomena causes subsequent attempts to be presented and explained again in new contexts, bringing interesting observations.
The edited volume aims to contribute to our better understanding of a system of embodied dispositions hidden under the term 'habitus'. This will be achieved by presenting the latest ...
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Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies
2019 || Hardcover || Julia Koch e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics
In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeological material? How can transformations in social gender relations and identity be recognized archaeologically? Is the identity of prehistoric people defined by gender? If so, what is the accompanying cultural context? What about gender equality among the scientists working in archaeology? In what degree are research teams, as well as their scientific approaches, biased...