Resultaten (37)

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Koninginnen van de Nijl

Macht en schoonheid in het Nieuwe Rijk (1539-1077 v. Chr.)

2024 || Paperback || Olaf Kaper || Sidestone Press

Lang voordat Cleopatra over het land van de Nijl regeerde, waren er al machtige koninginnen in Egypte. Zij stonden aan de zijde van de farao bij al zijn activiteiten en blijken een soms verrassend onafhankelijke positie in te nemen. Dit boek beschrijft de vele facetten van het leven van de Egyptische koningin. Hoe was haar relatie met haar echtgenoot de farao, haar familie, de hofhouding en de harem? Welke politieke, religieuze en familiezaken hielden haar bezig? Wat kwam er kijken bij haar b...

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Chariots on fire, reins of power

Early La Tène elite burials from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region and their Northwest European context

2024 || Paperback || Nico Roymans e.a. || Sidestone Press

'Chariots on Fire, Reins of Power' presents the first comprehensive overview of 5th century BC elite graves from the Lower Rhine-Meuse region. Characterised by imported grave goods such as bronze vessels, horse tack, weapons and occasionally two-wheeled vehicles, these strikingly rich cremation burials are the northernmost representatives of an elite culture that had its roots in the Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène culture of more southern regions in France and the German Rhineland.

This b...

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Cremation in the Early Middle Ages

Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe

2024 || Paperback || Howard Williams e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Cremation in the Early Middle Ages draws together the latest research and thinking on early medieval cremation practices. The book takes you on a journey through 19 chapters exploring cremation practices from the fifth to the eleventh centuries CE in Fennoscandia, the UK and Ireland, Frisia, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and France. In this way, the book aims to be a central resource for anyone interested in early medieval cremations, or indeed funerary practices more generally. Notably, the str...

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met 5% korting 46,50


Theories, Methods and Practice

2024 || Paperback || Colin Renfrew e.a. || Thames & Hudson Ltd

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met 5% korting 27,08

Goud van de Daciërs

Rijk van goud en zilver

2024 || Hardcover || * || Waanders Uitgevers

Dacië – het oude Roemenië – staat in de klassieke oudheid al bekend als een ‘rijk van goud en zilver’. De talloze archeologische schatten die hier in de twintigste eeuw gevonden zijn, laten zien dat de geruchten over de Dacische rijkdom niet ongegrond waren. Maar de Daciërs waren meer dan alleen liefhebbers van goud en zilver: ze bouwden imposante heuvelforten, bedreven handel met verre koninkrijken, en ze zetten het imposante landschap van het Karpatengebergte naar hun eigen hand....

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Figurine-making in the Neolithic Aegean

2024 || Paperback || Stratos Nanoglou e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

This volume presents a cutting-edge perspective on figurine studies in the Neolithic Aegean, sparking renewed interest and innovative ideas. It celebrates two significant milestones in the field: the 50th anniversary of Giorgos Hourmouziadis’ Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1973 and published in 1974) and the 30th anniversary of Lauren Talalay’s Ph.D. thesis (submitted in 1983 and published in 1993).

Central to this work are three key questions: What advancements have been made since these sem...

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Appropriating Height

Movement and Mobility in Highland Landscapes of Southwest Asia

2024 || Hardcover || Sepideh Maziar e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

The essays in this book focus on archaeological approaches to the utilization of highland regions in southwestern and central Asia, examining the interplay between human communities and highland landscapes from the Paleolithic era to the present.

Contributions combine case studies with theoretical considerations to explore adaptive strategies of movement. They discuss the significance of mobility within archaeological and anthropological discourse. Contributors engage with critical questions:...