
Hardcover (16)
Paperback (11)

Resultaten (27)

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Millet and What Else?

The Wider Context of the Adoption of Millet Cultivation in Europe

2022 || Hardcover || Wiebke Kirleis e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Broomcorn/common/proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) is a cereal crop that originated in East Asia and was transferred westward to Europe, where it was introduced in the mid-2nd millennium BCE, at the height of the Bronze Age. Archaeobotanists from the Collaborative Research Centre 1266, supported by many colleagues, conducted a large-scale programme of radiocarbon dating of millet grains from prehistoric Europe. They discovered that the spread of this crop on the continent happened quickly, ext...

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Flintknapping from the Lateglacial to the Early Holocene

The Belgian Scheldt valley sites of Ruien and Kerkhove

2024 || Hardcover || Hans Vandendriessche || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This book discusses the lithic technology of the neighboring sites of Ruien and Kerkhove (Belgium). The Final-Palaeolithic occupation of Ruien took place during the harsh climatic conditions of the Younger Dryas. The Early and Middle Mesolithic hunter-gatherers from Kerkhove on the other hand lived in the temperate and forested environments of the subsequent Early Holocene period. The aim of this work is more precisely to gain a better understanding of how the practice of flintknapping evolve...

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De Oude Steentijd in Drenthe

2022 || Paperback || Marcel Niekus e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum

In Van Neanderthaler tot rendierjager nemen we het publiek mee naar een bijzondere periode uit de rijke geschiedenis van de provincie Drenthe: de Oude Steentijd. De tijd van ijstijden, rendierjagers én Neanderthalers; die immer boeiende andere menssoort, die circa 40.000 jaar geleden uitstierf en ons als Homo sapiens alleen achterliet. De resten van de aanwezigheid van deze oermensen zijn door (amateur-)archeologen overal in de provincie gevonden. Hun vuurstenen werktuigen, resten van hun ka...

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Hidden under the Amstel

2022 || Hardcover || Willem van Zoetendaal e.a. || Harmonie, Uitgeverij De

The construction of a new metro line through the heart of Amsterdam in 2003-2018 – the North/South Line – gave us access to a unique archaeological site: the riverbed of the Amstel. Almost 700,000 archaeological finds were made there, all of which are linked with the history of Amsterdam between 1300 and 2000. In 2018, a photographic catalogue of 13,000 finds entitled Stuff was published, telling the visual story of the objects and materials that have been used in Amsterdam over the centu...

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Burgäschisee 5000-3000 v. Chr.

Siedlungsdynamik und Mobilität, Landnutzung und Subsistenz

2022 || Paperback || Albert Hafner e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Seeufersiedlungen mit Feuchtbodenerhaltung sind für die Erforschung des Neolithikums des Alpenvorlandes von herausragender Bedeutung. Die ausserordentlich gute Erhaltung der Siedlungsschichten lässt weitgehende Einblicke in die Lebensweise der prähistorischen Menschen zu. Das Hinterland der grossen Seen ist im Gegensatz dazu weniger gut untersucht. Eine Schlüsselrolle bei dessen Erforschung nehmen die zahlreichen Kleinseen des Schweizerischen Mittellandes ein. Auch an deren Ufern finden s...

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In kannen en kruiken

Studies over middeleeuws en post-middeleeuws aardewerk en glas aangeboden aan Hemmy Clevis

2022 || Hardcover || Roos van Oosten e.a. || Spa uitgevers B.V.

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Settling Waterscapes in Europe

The Archaeology of Neolithic & Bronze Age Pile-Dwellings

2022 || Hardcover || Albert Hafner e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

Pile dwellings have been explored over a vast region for a number of decades now. This has led to the development of different ways, methods, and even schools of under-water and peat-bog excavation practices and data analysis techniques under the influence of different research traditions in individual countries. On the one hand, these and other factors can limit our understanding of the past, whilst on the other hand they can also open up further avenues of interpretation.

By collecting the ...

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Valsheid in Gesteente

Onderzoek naar de aard van de Vermaning-artefacten

2022 || Hardcover || Frans de Vries e.a. || Koninklijke Van Gorcum

De vuistbijlen van Tjerk Vermaning binnenstebuiten gekeerd. Wie zit(ten) achter deze en andere grootschalige vervalsingen?

Tjerk Vermaning en zijn omstreden vuistbijlen staan nog altijd in de belangstelling. En dat ruim 50 jaar na zijn eerste spraakmakende ontdekking: een mammoetjagerskampement bij Hoogersmilde (Dr.) dat uit de Neanderthalertijd zou stammen, zo’n 60.000 jaar geleden. De hernieuwde focus op Tjerk Vermaning begon enkele jaren geleden met de roman ‘Tjerk’ en in 2018/2019 w...

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The Baltic in the Bronze Age

Regional patterns, interactions and boundaries

2022 || Paperback || Daniela Hofmann e.a. || Sidestone Press Academics

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Connectivity Matters!

Social, Environmental and Cultural Connectivity in Past Societies

2022 || Paperback || Johannes Müller || Sidestone Press Academics

This book is a presentation of the basic concept of social, environmental and cultural connectivity in past societies, as embodied in a diversity of disciplines in the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Thus, rather pragmatically driven ideas of socio-environmental connectivities are described, which form the basis of the Cluster of Excellence in its research.

A discussion of the fluidness of the term ‘connectivity’ and the applicability of the concept opens the arena for diverse interpretatio...