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In the Footsteps of King David
Revelations from an Ancient Biblical City
2024 || Hardcover || Yosef Garfinkel e.a. || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
The remarkable excavation of a previously unidentified city in Israel from the time of King David, shedding new light on the link between the bible and history
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Cosmic Numerology
How to Harness Your Full Potential Using the Power of Numbers and Planets
2024 || Hardcover || Jenn King || Thames and Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd
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Niet uitleven maar beleven
Beeldende therapie bij persoonlijkheidsproblematiek
2007 || Hardcover || S. Haeyen || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Beeldende therapie is bedoeld voor mensen die met beelden hun gevoelens beter kunnen bereiken dan met woorden. De auteur laat op een aansprekende manier zien wat de mogelijkheden van beeldende therapie zijn bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek.In het theoriegedeelte komt een aantal basale thema's bij cliënten met persoonlijkheidsproblematiek aan de orde. De theorie wordt verhelderd met diverse praktijkvoorbeelden en verslagen van een (ex–)cliënt. Ook bevat het een evidence–bas...
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Media Framing of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation
A Study of British, Dutch and Serbian Media
2020 || Hardcover || Elena Krsmanović || Eleven international publishing
This books critically explores media framing of human trafficking for sexual exploitation in UK, Dutch and Serbian media. It draws upon data from content analysis of online news reports and interviews with journalists and anti-trafficking professionals in order to further explore the framing of trafficking, its production and consequences. Through a combination of quantitative, qualitative and visual research methods, this book offers a comprehensive insight into the mediated representation o...
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Pandora's Box
The Greed, Lust, and Lies That Broke Television
2023 || Hardcover || Peter Biskind || Veltman Distributie Import Books
From the bestselling author of Easy Riders, Raging Bulls comes the inside story of television's heady rise and fall
The revolution has been televized. From The Sopranos to Stranger Things, the shows we watch - and the ways we watch them - have been transformed over the past fifty years. Out of the bland wasteland of 'play-it-safe' broadcasting came astonishing stories of sex, violence, and corruption shown first on cable, and then by way of streaming. Today, the power of viewers to select wha...
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology / 2nd editionn
2023 || Hardcover || Alan Barnard || Taylor & Francis
Written by leading scholars in the field, this comprehensive and readable resource gives anthropology students a unique guide to the ideas, arguments and history of the discipline. The fully revised and expanded second edition reflects major changes in anthropology in the past decade.
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Being consequential about restorative justice
2021 || Hardcover || Lode Walgrave || Eleven international publishing
In this anthology, Professor Emeritus Lode Walgrave, a pioneer in the field of juvenile justice and restorative justice, revisits a selection of his publications, going back to the late 1990s to the late 2010s, on
restorative justice as a response to offending. These include reflections on why restorative justice is valuable as well as on how it can and should be implemented. Can reparation be imposed and how would that relate to retribution? Is there room for punishment? The broader field i...
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Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice
The Case for Parallelism
2023 || Hardcover || Derek R. Brookes || Eleven international publishing
Criminal justice is primarily designed to serve the public interest in relation to criminal acts. Restorative justice is designed to address the harmrelated needs of individuals in the aftermath of wrongdoing. These distinct aims require such different processes and priorities that any attempt to integrate restorative justice within the criminal justice system will almost invariably undermine the quality and effectiveness of both. In this book, the author argues that the optimal relationship ...
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Deciphering Aztec Hieroglyphs
A Guide to Nahuatl Writing
2024 || Hardcover || Gordon Whittaker || Thames & Hudson Ltd
The first ever guide to understanding Aztec hieroglyphs: a groundbreaking publication built on a lifetime of research by a world expert.