Resultaten (45)
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Social Work with Drug, Alcohol and Substance Misusers
2013 || Paperback || Anthony Goodman || SAGE
A complete introduction to working with addictions.
Community-Based Participatory Research
2013 || Paperback || Karen A. Hacker || SAGE
Presenting a practical approach to CBPR by describing how an individual researcher might understand and conduct CBPR research, this book includies a concise overview of CBPR theoretical underpinnings, methods considerations and ethical issues - all presented in an accessible format.
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Your Social Work Practice Placement
From Start to Finish
2021 || Paperback || Ian Mathews e.a. || SAGE
Embarking on a first practice placement can be an anxious experience for social work students. This textbook takes them step-by-step through the process, holding their hand through preparation for practice modules and during the course of the placement itself. Focusing on practicalities, knowledge, values and skills, the authors guide students through the challenges they may face.
dinsdag verzonden
Joining Together: Pearson New International Edition : Group Theory and Group Skills
Group Theory and Group Skills
2013 || Paperback || David Johnson e.a. || Pearson
Joining Together introduces readers to the theory and research needed to understand how to make groups effective and, through exercises and thorough explanations, equips them with the skills required to apply that knowledge to practical situations. Chapters discuss the history of groups and group dynamics, the nature of experiential learning, group goals, communication within groups, leadership, power, decision making, controversy and creativity, and conflict management. More applied chapters...
maandag verzonden
Quantitative Research for the Qualitative Researcher
2021 || Paperback || Laura M. O'Dwyer e.a. || SAGE
Quantitative Research for the Qualitative Researcher is a concise text that provides students who are not predisposed to mathematical or scientific thinking with the needed conceptual and practical understanding of quantitative methodology.
The Future of Development
A Radical Manifesto
2013 || Paperback || Gustavo Esteva e.a. || Bristol University Press
On January 20, 1949 US President Harry S. Truman officially opened the era of development. On that day, over one half of the people of the world were defined as "underdeveloped" and they have stayed that way ever since.
This book explains the origins of development and underdevelopment and shows how poorly we understand these two terms. It offers a new vision for development, demystifying the statistics that international organizations use to measure development and introducing the alternativ...
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Practical Counselling and Helping Skills
Text and Activities for the Lifeskills Counselling Model
2013 || Paperback || Richard Nelson-Jones || SAGE
This sixth edition of Richard Nelson-Jones' bestselling book is a step-by-step guide to using counselling and helping skills with confidence and proficiency. The author's three-stage model of counselling is designed to facilitate developing lifeskills in clients and to help them to change how they feel, think, communicate and act.
The Culture of Connectivity
A Critical History of Social Media
2013 || Paperback || Jose van Dijck || Oxford University Press
Social media has come to deeply penetrate our lives: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and many other platforms define many of our daily habits of communication and creative production. The Culture of Connectivity studies the rise of social media in the first decade of the twenty-first century up until 2012, providing both a historical and a critical analysis of the emergence of major platforms in the context of a rapidly changing ecosystem of connective media. Such history is needed to understand h...
Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective / 8th edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Raymond Scupin || Pearson
Societal Organization and Globalization in Cultural Anthropology Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective provides students with an introduction to cultural anthropology through a traditional holistic and integrative approach. Organized by societal type, this book's primary emphasis is on applied anthropology, with a strong coverage of globalization. Additionally, it emphasizes three unifying themes: 1) the diversity of human societies and cultural patterns the world over, 2) the similarit...
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Introducing Forensic and Criminal Investigation
2021 || Paperback || Jane Monckton-Smith e.a. || SAGE
By introducing each step taken in a criminal investigation, this text allows students to gain a clear understanding of the processes involved and helps them to critically assess the interplay of investigations, criminology and forensics.