Resultaten (24)
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Personal Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy
2012 || Paperback || Sofie Bager-Charleson || SAGE
A straightforward and accessible guide to Personal Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy
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Social Work Theories and Methods
2021 || Paperback || Mel Gray e.a. || SAGE
The second edition of a text mapping directly onto a core module of the undergraduate social work degree: theories and methods. Chapters are written by a range of contributors from universities including Lancaster, Birmingham, Nottingham, York, UCLAN, UEA, Manchester and Glasgow.
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Peacekeeping in Holland 2001-2010 / druk 1
de inrichting van het Nederlandse beleid in het licht van de polarisatie rondom moslims
2012 || Paperback || Hans Crebas || Vrije Uitgevers, De
In de dissertatie Peacekeeping in Holland 2001-2010 evalueert onderzoeker Hans Crebas de inrichting van het Nederlandse beleid in het licht van de polarisatie rondom moslims. De auteur ontwikkelt hiervoor een toetsingsmodel op basis van de visie van de VN op binnenlandse vrede en veiligheid, en lessons learned op het vlak van vredesoperaties en terrorismebestrijding. Daarbij worden politieke waarden in het geding gebracht die weliswaar niet universeel worden gedeeld, maar die wel wereldwijd e...
International Security and Gender
2012 || Paperback || Nicole Detraz || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
What does it mean to be secure? In the global news, we hear stories daily about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, about domestic-level conflicts around the world, about the challenges of cybersecurity and social security. This broad list highlights the fact that security is an idea with multiple meanings, but do we all experience security issues in the same way? In this book, Nicole Detraz explores the broad terrain of security studies through a gender lens. Assumptions about masculinity and ...
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An Introduction to Gestalt
2021 || Paperback || Charlotte Sills e.a. || SAGE
The new comprehensive introduction to Gestalt therapy from top authors in the field, this fills a gap for an accessible Gestalt text that will be relevant to coaching trainees as well as those in the counselling and psychotherapy field.
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The Essentials
2012 || Paperback || James Treadwell || SAGE
This bestselling text is an essential primer for undergraduate students in Criminology, mapping out key course content and offering helpful tips for both students and lecturers on making the most out of lectures and seminars.
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Doing Your Qualitative Psychology Project
2012 || Paperback || SAGE
While there are a number of books on qualitative psychological research, this book is unique as it leads students step-by-step through the process of using qualitative research for doing your project and writing your report.
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Sharia incorporated / druk 1
a Comparative Overview of the Legal Systems of Twelve Muslim Countries in Past and Present
2012 || Paperback || Leiden University Press
The aim of Sharia Incorporated is to provide unbiased and contextual information about a topic that has of late been hijacked by politics in the West. Sharia Incorporated is an ambitious study of the development and incorporation of sharia and Islamic and customary law traditions into national legal, political, and social state structures. Sharia Incorporated also explores the sensitive topic of 'Western' human rights and rule of law standards in a Muslim world. This book provides an in-depth...
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Doing Cultural Theory
2012 || Paperback || David Walton || SAGE
A textbook-toolkit that teaches students the basics of cultural theory by unpacking its complexities with real-life examples and student focused pedagogy. Goes beyond showing how others have analysed and interpreted the world to demonstrate to students how to do cultural theory themselves
A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research
2012 || Paperback || Joseph A. Maxwell || SAGE
Instructs readers on how to use realism to conceptualize and conduct their qualitative study to get results with greater validity.