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Resultaten (132)
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Solidaire economie
2017 || Paperback || Ruud Thelosen || Nearchus
Steeds minder mensen geloven in de veronderstelde zegeningen van het neoliberale kapitalisme. De doorgedraaide krachten van 'de vrije markt' bevorderen sociale ongelijkheid en onrechtvaardigheid, schaden het milieu en brengen de ene na de andere economische crisis.
Nieuwe denkbeelden zijn nodig om tot een nieuwe economie te komen.
Solidaire economie geeft een breed inzicht in de bestaande kritiek op het neoliberale kapitalisme, zoals die leeft in wetenschappelijke of wereldbeschouwelijke kri...
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How Covid Shook the World's Economy
2021 || Paperback || Adam Tooze || Veltman Distributie Import Books
From the author of Crashed comes a gripping short history of how Covid-19 ravaged the global economy, and where it leaves us now
When the news first began to trickle out of China about a new virus in December 2019, risk-averse financial markets were alert to its potential for disruption. Yet they could never have predicted the total economic collapse that would follow in COVID-19's wake, as stock markets fell faster and harder than at any time since 1929, currencies across the world plunged, ...
Economics / 22th edition
2020 || Paperback || MCCONNELL || McGraw-Hill
Optimize your outcomes. With McConnell/Brue/Flynn, improving outcomes has never been simpler. If given the chance to work harder or smarter, which would you choose? This product's modern approach makes learning and applying economics easier for instructors and students alike.
From real-life examples to cutting-edge learning resources, McConnell offers a student-centered learning environment that presents the subject matter in new and engaging ways. For instructors, a fully supportive teaching...
Operations Management / 14th edition
2020 || Paperback || William J Stevenson || McGraw-Hill
This beloved and market-leading Operations Management book has been completely updated in the 14th edition and provides a clear presentation of the field of Operations Management with current real-world examples and thoughtful student pedagogy. The comprehensive breadth of content is presented in more modular flexible chapters, so it may be used for different course levels ranging from undergrad to executive education. That flexibility allows for the choice of more or less quantitative materi...
Economics / 8th Global Edition
2022 || Paperback || Glenn Hubbard e.a. || Pearson
For two-semester courses covering the principles of economics for students in business and economics. The relevance of economics shown through real-world business examples One of the challenges of teaching principles of economics is fostering interest in concepts, including opportunity cost, trade-offs, scarcity, and demand and supply that may not seem applicable to studentsGÇÖ lives. Economics makes these concepts relevant by demonstrating how real businesses apply them to make decisions e...
Philosophy of Social Science / 2nd edition
A Contemporary Introduction
2022 || Paperback || Mark Risjord || Taylor & Francis
Philosophy of Social Science: A Contemporary Introduction examines perennial questions of philosophy through engaging the empirical study of society. Questions of normativity concern the place of values in social scientific inquiry. Questions of naturalism concern the relationship between the natural and the social sciences.
And questions of reductionism ask how social institutions relate to the people who constitute them. This accessible text offers a comprehensive overview of debates in the...
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Grootse missies voor economie en samenleving
2021 || Paperback || Mariana Mazzucato || Nieuw Amsterdam || met inkijkexemplaar
Ruim vijftig jaar geleden ging de mens naar de maan. Deze ongekende gebeurtenis was veel meer dan een wetenschappelijke topprestatie van de ruimtevaart; zonder nieuwe vormen van samenwerking tussen de publieke en de private sector was het niet gelukt.
Topeconoom Mariana Mazzucato vindt dat we de problemen van deze tijd, zoals stagnerende economische groei, klimaatverandering en toenemende ongelijkheid, met hetzelfde lef te lijf moeten gaan.
In Moonshot daagt Mazzucato economen, politici en o...
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Long-term Finance and Capital Markets
2004 || Paperback || A.B. Dorsman e.a. || Convoy Uitgevers BV
Long-term Finance and Capital Markets - Exercises and cases.Exercises and cases to the book Long-term Finance and Capital Markets (isbn 9789059014237).
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De economie van list en bedrog
hoe de vrije markt ons voor de gek houdt
2017 || Paperback || George A. Akerlof e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
Al sinds Adam Smith luidt een van de basisregels van de economie dat vrije markten ons als door een onzichtbare hand voorzien van materieel welzijn. In De economie van list en bedrog plaatsen Nobelprijswinnaars George Akerlof en Robert Shiller bij dit idee een paar fundamentele vraagtekens. Zolang er winst kan worden gemaakt, spelen bedrijven via manipulatie en misleiding systematisch in op de psychologische zwakheden en onwetendheid van ons als consument. De vrije markt is niet inherent goed...
The Climate Book
2024 || Paperback || Greta Thunberg || Penguin
A Times, Financial Times, Observer and Nature Book of the Year
‘Spectacular ... this work is planetary in scale’ Independent
‘It offers real, rich hope’ Observer, Books of the Year
We still have time to change the world. From the world's leading climate activist, this is the essential book for making it happen.
Created by Greta Thunberg in partnership with over 100 climate experts working around the globe, with her commentaries throughout and updates for this new paperback edition to ...