Steven Pinker (10)
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The Blank Slate
The Modern Denial of Human Nature
2024 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
Recently many people have assumed that we are shaped by our environment: a blank slate waiting to be inscribed by upbringing and culture, with innate abilities playing little part. This title shows that this view denies the heart of our being: human nature.
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The Stuff of Thought
Language as a Window into Human Nature
2024 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
Why do so many swear words involve topics like sex, bodily functions or the divine? Why do some children's names thrive while others fall out of favour? Why do we threaten and bribe and seduce in such elaborate, often comical ways? This title looks at how the relationship between words and thoughts can help us understand who we are.
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What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
2022 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Veltman Distributie Import Books
“In our uncertain age, which can so often feel so dark and disturbing, Steven Pinker has distinguished himself as a voice of positivity.” – New York Times
Can reading a book make you more rational? Can it help us understand why there is so much irrationality in the world? Steven Pinker, author of Enlightenment Now (Bill Gates’s "new favorite book of all time”) answers all the questions here
Today humanity is reaching new heights of scientific understanding--and also appears to be lo...
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Enlightenment Now
The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress
2019 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Penguin US
"My new favorite book of all time." --Bill Gates
If you think the world is coming to an end, think again: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science.
Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? In th...
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Now is Better
2023 || Paperback || Stefan Sagmeister e.a. || Phaidon Press Limited
Stefan Sagmeister’s newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving
Initially conceived in 2020 as the world entered pandemic lockdown, Stefan Sagmeister has created a book that looks at the state of the world today, illuminating, through collected data, how far we’ve come, and encouraging us to think about where we can go from here. Statistics are vividly brought to life, as numbers are transformed into graphs, inlaid into nineteent...
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Verlichting nu / Druk 5
een pleidooi voor rede, wetenschap, humanisme en vooruitgang
2020 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Experimenteel psycholoog Steven Pinker verdedigt in zijn boek ‘Verlichting nu’ vurig de waarden van de Verlichting. Met behulp van de wetenschap en het humanisme zullen we de problemen die we hebben als mensheid oplossen en verder gaan op het pad van de vooruitgang.
Wie de krant erop naslaat, is geneigd te denken dat de wereld gedoemd is ten onder te gaan, of dat de periode van vooruitgang voorgoed voorbij is Steven Pinker laat zich echter niet gek maken en kijkt naar de feiten. En die zi...
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The Language Instinct
How the Mind Creates Language
2024 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
A definitive account of how language works, how we learn it and how it evolves, from an award-winning cognitive scientist and public intellectual. New edition, including an afterword on the book's origins and influence, and re-jacketed as part of a backlist redesign.
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Better Angels of Our Nature
Why Violence Has Declined
2024 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
"If I could give each of you a graduation present, it would be this-the most inspiring book I've ever read."
-Bill Gates (May, 2017)
A provocative history of violence-from the New York Times bestselling author of The Stuff of Thought, The Blank Slate, and Enlightenment Now.Believe it or not, today we may be living in the most peaceful moment in our species' existence. In his gripping and controversial new work, New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows that despite the ceaseless n...
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How the Mind Works
2024 || Paperback || Steven Pinker || Van Ditmar Boeken B.V.
Why do we laugh? What makes memories fade? Why do people believe in ghosts? How the Mind Works explores every aspect of mental life, showing that our minds are not a mystery, but a system of organs of computation designed by natural selection.
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wat rationeel denken is en waarom we het meer dan ooit nodig hebben
2021 || Hardcover || Steven Pinker || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Het onderwerp kan bijna niet actueler. Hoe is het mogelijk dat de menselijke soort de grootste wetenschappelijke inzichten heeft verworven en tevens almaar meer nepnieuws, complottheorieën als QAnon en post-truth-retoriek produceert? In de eenentwintigste eeuw bereikt de mensheid nieuwe hoogten van wetenschappelijk inzicht – en lijkt tegelijkertijd haar verstand te verliezen. Rationaliteit legt de belangrijkste instrumenten voor rationeel denken uit, leidt de lezer door de basisprincipes v...