Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (2)
The Agricultural Notebook / 21st editon
2021 || Paperback || Richard J. Soffe e.a. || Wiley
Offers a complete update and revision to the manual for agriculture, geography, and rural studies
The 21st edition of the quintessential reference book on agriculture is filled with updated and new material that provides those in the farming profession with everything they need to know about today's agricultural industry. Filled with contributions from top experts in the field, it provides not only the scientific explanations behind agriculture, but also a range of further reading .
The Agric...
Equitation Science / 2nd edition
2018 || Paperback || Paul McGreevy e.a. || Wiley
A new edition of a highly respected textbook and reference in the rapidly emerging field of equitation science. Equitation Science, 2nd Edition incorporates learning theory into ethical equine training frameworks suitable for riders of any level and for all types of equestrian activity. Written by international experts at the forefront of the development of the field, the welfare of the horse and rider safety are primary considerations throughout.
This edition features a new chapter on resear...