Geen verdere filters gevondenHogeschool Rotterdam (3)
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Probability and Statistics for Engineers / 9th edition
2017 || Paperback || Richard Johnson e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For an introductory, one or two semester, or sophomore-junior level course in Probability and Statistics or Applied Statistics for engineering, physical science, and mathematics students. An Applications-Focused Introduction to Probability and Statistics Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers is rich in exercises and examples, and explores both elementary probability and basic statistics, with an emphasis on engineering and science applications. Much of the data has been c...
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Basics of Biochemistry for Chemists (Custom)
2024 || Paperback || DPMH Heutz || Pearson
Your lecturer has created this personalised learning resource to support your studies. It contains Pearson content from our worl-renowned textbook authors, and often also industry case studies and articles.
It includes just the bits your lecturer knows you need – nothing extra! They may also have included their own, bespoke, learning materials specific to your course.
Pearson works closely with your university and your lecturers and we are committed to
helping you learn.
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Contemporary Logistics / 12th Global edition
2017 || Paperback || Jr. Paul Murphy e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For undergraduate and graduate courses in Logistics. A dynamic foundation to the global study of contemporary logistics A market--leading text, Contemporary Logistics explores modern logistics from a managerial perspective. These are characterized by geopolitical tensions in parts of the world, steadily increasing trade, supply chain vulnerabilities caused by severe natural disasters, and an unabated pace of technological advancement.
In it, readers see theory come to life through timely, pra...