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Hogeschool Rotterdam (3)

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Complete Maus

2003 || Paperback || Art Spiegelman || Penguin

The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman - the Pulitzer prize-winning Holocaust survivor story'The most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust' Wall Street Journal'The first masterpiece in comic book history' The New YorkerThe Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father's story. Maus approaches the unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon ...

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met 5% korting 17,01

IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP)


2003 || Paperback || P.C. van Kluijven e.a. || Alk & Heijnen, De

Gezien het internationale karakter van de scheepvaart is het duidelijk dat het gebruik van een maritieme standaardtaal noodzakelijk is teneinde bij de communicatie tussen schip en wal, v.v. en schepen onderling, verwarring, fouten en misverstanden te voorkomen.

In 1973 besloot de Maritieme Veiligheidscommissie van de IMO daarom een standaardvocabulaire in het engels - de standaard Marine Navigational Vocabulary, SMNV - te ontwikkelen ten behoeve van een veilige mondelinge communicatie op zee...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

UML Distilled / 3rd edition

A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language

2003 || Paperback || Martin Fowler || Pearson || ook als eBook

More than 300,000 developers have benefited from past editions of UML Distilled . This third edition is the best resource for quick, no-nonsense insights into understanding and using UML 2.0 and prior versions of the UML. Some readers will want to quickly get up to speed with the UML 2.0 and learn the essentials of the UML.

Others will use this book as a handy, quick reference to the most common parts of the UML. The author delivers on both of these promises in a short, concise, and focused p...