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Smith (3)
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Murphy (2)
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met 5% korting 15,15

Please Miss

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Penis

2022 || Paperback || Grace Lavery || Veltman Distributie Import Books

A memoir of gender transition and recovery from addiction, a dance across genres, a ripping-up of the rulebook, Please Miss is unlike anything you’ve ever read before.

Grace Lavery is a reformed druggie, an unreformed omnisexual chaos Muppet, and a 100 per cent, all-natural, synthetic female hormone monster. How could her story be straightforward when she is anything but? The telling of her tale is kaleidoscopic, wild and audacious: Grace performs in a David Lynch remake of Sunset Boulevard...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Dragonfly Sea

2022 || Paperback || Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor || September Publishing

A magical novel of love, exploration and home, spanning the East African coast, China, Turkey and the seas in between, from one of Kenya's leading writers. The Dragonfly Sea follows the unforgettable Ayaana's journey to adulthood after her small-island childhood is interrupted. Targeted first by religious fundamentalists and second by Chinese emissaries, Ayaana is sent on a container ship to study in China, where she is forced to grow up fast.

With its epic scope and lush lyricism, Owuor evok...

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Confidence Man

The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America

2022 || Paperback || Maggie Haberman || De Arbeiderspers

From the Pulitzer Prize–winning New York Times reporter who has defined Donald J. Trump’s presidency like no other journalist: a magnificent and disturbing reckoning that chronicles his life and its impact, from his rise in New York City to his tortured postpresidency.

All of Trump’s behavior as president had echoes in what came before. In this revelatory and news-making book, Haberman brings together the events of his life into a single mesmerizing work. It is the definitive account of ...

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Cultural Interactions (e-book)

2022 || E-book via Bookshelf || Frans Willem Korsten

The common saying is that people have a culture. This book argues that people live a culture which may explain why they are so affectively attached to it. By considering cultural interactions on a global scale, this book investigates how cultures can be understood in terms of conflict and cooperation, in relation to the nation-state, a multiplicity of worlds, society, civilization and community.

It considers how culture is at the basis of the construction of individual and collective selves; ...

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Design for Sustainability Survival Guide

2022 || Paperback || Conny Bakker e.a. || BIS Publishers

Design for Sustainability Survival Guide concerns all the details on applying sustainability requirements in design. It is a critical and concise overview of the important facts from all imaginable angles. The book is written and illustrated to inform, support and inspire future designers.

The guide covers everything in sustainability: from personal reader experience to universal guiding principles, from energy use and the flow of materials to the role of time, consumption, use, circularity a...

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Man and Universe

Chronicle of a Christian-Hermetic School

2022 || Paperback || Serebrov Boeken || met inkijkexemplaar

The content of this book has been compiled by Work Group ‘Atanor’ with the use of the transcriptions of conversations between Vladimir Stepanov (Master G), head of a Christian-Hermetic School (aka Ship ‘Argo’, aka Ship of Fools, aka Slippery Deck), and his disciple Konstantin Serebrov.

‘How to let a spiritual idea inspire you and then implement it in your life? Each spiritual idea carried by the etheric tradition has its own mystical wind, its unique atmosphere and energy. In alchem...

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Androcles’ philosophy

Principles and dilemmas of veterinary medicine and animal health sciences

2022 || Hardcover || Tjeerd Kimman || Pumbo.nl B.V.

Androcles’ philosophy explores the basic principles underlying veterinary medicine and animal health sciences. This cannot be explored without looking at the significance of animals in our society. Animals have many roles, from companion animals to sport animals, as laboratory animals for scientific purposes and as animals for food production. The complex relationships of animals with science, people, society, especially the economy and even ecosystems make their position precarious. As our...

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Stick Holding Branch

2022 || Paperback || Wytske van Keulen || Fw:Books

Starting in 2009, Wytske van Keulen continuously visited several individuals in France, the United States, and Japan who, for different reasons, chose to set aside our largely economised and de-spiritualised world. She depicts these peoples’ living environments in her series ‘Stick Holding Branch’, but the inhabitants are absent, allowing the significance of the images to shift from documentary to the realm of the image, freed from space and time. Van Keulen’s photographs are accompan...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Language of Sound – in colour - Volume 2

2022 || Hardcover || Karrarikh Tor || Dark World International

Music Theory: The Language of Sound, reveals the secrets of the guitar and bass guitar. It can be scary to get into music theory for a guitarist or bassist but this is a great place to start. You will never need another chord book or theory book again. The Language of Sound teaches you how to build chords from the root and play melodies in any Key. The graphics tie the fretboards of a guitar and bass guitar to the piano keyboard and sheet music, making it a valuable tool not just for guitaris...

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A Future for Economics

2022 || Paperback || Huigh C. van der Mandele e.a. || VU University Press

The replication crisis is hotly debated in all disciplines across the social sciences. Economics is not an exception. However, economics is different from the other social sciences, due to an exceptionally dominant paradigmatic core and an equally dominant methodological backbone, known as neoclassical economics and econometrics, respectively. In this book, we argue how this double strength can be a double weakness, too. We emphasize that any future for economics will benefit from a reduced d...