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› HAN University of Appl... (2)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (2)
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Resultaten (3)
morgen verzonden
Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics / 5th edition
Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Douglas Giancoli || Pearson
For courses in introductory calculus-based physics. Precise. Highly accurate.
Carefully crafted. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy and a clear and direct narrative with applications that draw the student into the physics at hand. The text gives students a thorough understanding of the basic concepts of physics in all its aspects, from mechanics to modern physics.
Each topic begins with concrete observations and experiences that students can relate to their eve...
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Polymer Chemistry / 2nd edition
2023 || Hardcover || Sebastian Koltzenburg e.a. || Springer
Awarded the Literature Prize of the VCIThis comprehensive textbook describes the synthesis, characterization and technical and engineering applications of polymers. Polymers are unique molecules and have properties different from any other class of materials. We encounter them in everyday life, not only in the form of the well-known, large-volume plastics such as PE or PP or the many other special polymers, some of which are very specifically modified but also in nature as polymeric biomolecu...
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Rapportagetechniek / Druk 7
Schrijven voor lezers met weinig tijd
2023 || Paperback || Rien Elling e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Al jarenlang het standaardwerk voor rapportagetechniek in de technische sector;
- van allerhande rapporttypes tot sollicitatiebrieven, presentaties en professionele socialmedia-berichten;
- vol tips en tricks waardoor ‘leeslast’ plaatsmaakt voor ‘leeslust’.
‘Kan het wat korter?’ - een veel gehoorde vraag in de technische beroepspraktijk, wanneer het gaat over rapporten, mails en nieuwsbrieven. Hoe bereik je als tekstschrijver dat lezers met weinig tijd, jouw tekst willen lezen? ...