Resultaten (8)
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Begrensd vertrouwen. Mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering en overlevering / druk 1
preadvies voor de vergadering van de Christen Juristen Vereniging 2009
2014 || Paperback || N. Rozemond || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Dit preadvies behandelt recente rechtspraak van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens en de Hoge Raad over mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering binnen en buiten Europa. Het gaat tevens in op recente ontwikkelingen binnen de Europese Unie op het gebied van overlevering van verdachten en veroordeelden op basis van Europese aanhoudingsbevelen. Het preadvies is kritisch over de tendens in de rechtspraak van het Hof om de mensenrechtenbescherming bij uitlevering en overlevering binnen E...
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Trafficking in Human Beings / druk 1
A comparative study of the international legal documents
2014 || Paperback || Ana Isabel Pérez Cepeda e.a. || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Trafficking in human beings has become one of the most serious problems of the international community nowadays. Combating this phenomenon in an effective manner requires a comprehensive international approach of all countries.
Being aware of this, several international organisations
have launched a number of documents to fight against this phenomenon. The most representatives ones are the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, suppleme...
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Towards Sustainability: Major Challenges for Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Regulation
major challenges for corporate law, corporate governance and regulation
2014 || Paperback || C.E. van Basten-Boddin e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This book covers the presentations held at the launching event of the Institute for Corporate Law, Governance and Innovation Policies (ICGI) at Maastricht University. The thought provoking presentations were held by three distinguished speakers: Willem Lageweg (Director of MVO Nederland and member of the ICGI Advisory Board), Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Cramer (Director of the Utrecht Sustainability Institute and Professor in Sustainable Innovation at Utrecht University) and Dr. André Veneman (Corp...
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Comparative Law in Legislative Drafting - The Increasing Importance of Dialogue amongst Parliaments
the incresing importance of dialogue amongst parliaments
2014 || Hardcover || Nicola Lupo e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This volume examines whether contemporary parliaments use foreign and comparative law in the legislative process. The research reports covered in this book apply the same methodological approach, focusing on the information
apparatus available to the legislators and on the rules and practices that regulate the drafting and approval of bills. Subsequently, it examines
several examples of recent legislation in which foreign law has been taken into consideration: in an explicit or implicit way, ...
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Towards sustainability of biomass importation / druk 1
an assessment of the EU renewable energy directive
2014 || Paperback || Andrea Schmeichel || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
This book addresses the conflict between climate change, other environmental concerns such as biodiversity, and international trade, focussing on the relationship between climate change mitigation and biodiversity protection in the bioenergy sector, taking into account the specific situation for imports from developing countries. The focal point is the sustainability criteria enacted by Directive 2009/28/EC (the so-called Renewable Energy Directive - RED). The document is divided into 6 parts...
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Fair and Just Solutions
alternatives to litigation in Nazi-looted art disputes: status quo and new developments
2014 || Paperback || Evelien Campfens || Eleven international publishing
The title of this book, Fair and Just Solutions?, refers to the norm for the assessment of ownership claims to Nazi-looted art as codified in the so-called Washington Principles in 1998:
If the pre-War owners of art that is found to have been confiscated by the Nazis and not subsequently restituted, or their heirs, can be identified, steps should be taken expeditiously to achieve a just and fair solution, recognizing this may vary according to the facts and circumstances surrounding a specific...
Perspectives of Global Constitutionalism
the use of foreign and international law
2014 || Hardcover || Gabor Halmai || Eleven international publishing
While global constitutional ideas migrate across countries, continents, agencies and institutions, internationally accepted principles of constitutionalism and human rights influence national governments that have been able to keep their sovereignty. This book looks into the fascinating question of convergence and sovereignty by approaching the issue from various angels: the use of foreign and international law in national constitution-making and constitutional interpretation on the one hand,...
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Islamic Divorces in Europe
bridging the gap between European and Islamic legal orders
2014 || Hardcover || Pauline Kruiniger || Eleven international publishing