The Architecture Observer (3)
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Fort Hoofddorp: Strategic Interventions
Serge Schoemaker Architects
2021 || Paperback || Kirsten Hannema e.a. || The Architecture Observer
An evocative photo book with three essays documenting the careful transformation of the nineteenth-century Fort Hoofddorp, part of the Amsterdam Defence Line. The strategic interventions of architect Serge Schoemaker are captured in the photos of Max Hart Nibbrig and described in the contributions of Kirsten Hannema, Hans Ibelings, and Jolanthe Kugler.
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Courthouse Zwolle
Jo Kruger Rob Hootsmans
2020 || Paperback || Hans Ibelings || The Architecture Observer
For both Jo Kruger (1914–1983) and Rob Hootsmans (1962) the architecture of the Courthouse in Zwolle, the Netherlands, was a long time in the making. Kruger began in 1963 with his project for a combined district and subdistrict court, which took fourteen years to be completed. In 2004, while still working for the Government Building Agency, Hootsmans began exploring how Kruger’s building could be expanded. He finished a new extension in 2013, and completed the renovation of Kruger’s ori...
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Fort Hoofddorp: Strategische interventies
Serge Schoemaker Architects
2021 || Paperback || Kirsten Hannema e.a. || The Architecture Observer
Een evocatief fotoboek met drie essays over de transformatie van het negentiende-eeuwse Fort Hoofddorp, onderdeel van de Stelling van Amsterdam. De strategische interventies van architect Serge Schoemaker zijn in beeld gebracht door Max Hart Nibbrig en beschreven door Kirsten Hannema, Hans Ibelings en Jolanthe Kugler.