Taylor & Francis (5)
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development / 2nd edition
2011 || Hardcover || Fletcher Dunn e.a. || Taylor & Francis
"This book presents the essential math needed to describe, simulate, and render a 3D world. It provides an introduction to mathematics for game designers, including fundamentals of coordinate spaces, vectors, and matrices, orientation in three dimensions, introduction to calculus and dynamics, graphics, and parametric curves"--Provided by publisher.
This engaging book presents the essential mathematics needed to describe, simulate, and render a 3D world. Reflecting both academic and in-the-tr...
Smoothing Splines
Methods and Applications
2011 || Hardcover || Yuedong Wang || Taylor & Francis
A general class of powerful and flexible modeling techniques, spline smoothing has attracted a great deal of research attention in recent years and has been widely used in many application areas, from medicine to economics. Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications covers basic smoothing spline models, including polynomial, periodic, spherical, thin-plate, L-, and partial splines, as well as more advanced models, such as smoothing spline ANOVA, extended and generalized smoothing spline ANOV...
Introduction to Security and Network Forensics
2011 || Hardcover || William J. Buchanan || Taylor & Francis
Keeping up with the latest developments in cyber security requires ongoing commitment, but without a firm foundation in the principles of computer security and digital forensics, those tasked with safeguarding private information can get lost in a turbulent and shifting sea. Providing such a foundation, Introduction to Security and Network Forensics covers the basic principles of intrusion detection systems, encryption, and authentication, as well as the key academic principles related to dig...
Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology / 2nd edition
2011 || Hardcover || Willem Norde || Taylor & Francis
Colloidal systems occur everywhere—in soils, seawater, foodstuff, pharmaceuticals, paints, blood, biological cells, and microorganisms. Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology, Second Edition, gives a concise treatment of physicochemical principles determining interrelated colloidal and interfacial phenomena. New in the Second Edition: New topics, including phase separations in polymer systems, electrokinetics of charged permeable surface coatings, and polymer brush c...
A Dynamic Systems Approach to Adolescent Development
2011 || Hardcover || Saskia Kunnen || Taylor & Francis
The dynamic systems approach is a rapidly expanding advancement in the study of developmental research, particularly in the domain of adolescent development. It provides a unique way of examining the subject, and this innovative study of developmental processes helps social scientists to translate dynamic systems conceptualizations into clear empirical research that readers will be able to implement themselves. The first part of this edited book discusses techniques that describe and assess s...