Sidestone Press (35)

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Experiments Past

histories of experimental archaeology

2017 || Hardcover || Jody Reeves Flores e.a. || Sidestone Press

With Experiments Past the important role that experimental archaeology has played in the development of archaeology is finally uncovered and understood. Experimental archaeology is a method to attempt to replicate archaeological artefacts and/or processes to test certain hypotheses or discover information about those artefacts and/or processes. It has been a key part of archaeology for well over a century, but such experiments are often embedded in wider research, conducted in isolation or ne...

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Connecting Elites and Regions HB

perspectives on contacts, relations and differentiation during the Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in north-west and Central Europe

2017 || Hardcover || Robert Schumann e.a. || Sidestone Press

The Early Iron Age Hallstatt C period in Northwest and Central Europe is marked by the emergence of monumental tumuli with lavish burials, some of which are known as chieftain's or princely graves. This new burial rite reflects one of the most noteworthy developments in Early Iron Age Europe: the rise of a new and elaborate way of elite representation north of the Alps.These sumptuous burials contain beautiful weaponry, bronze vessels and extravagantly decorated wagons and horse-gear. They re...

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Verre forten, vreemde kusten

Nederlandse verdedigingswerken overzee

2017 || Hardcover || Kees Ampt e.a. || Sidestone Press

Nederlanders hebben door de eeuwen heen forten en andere verdedigingswerken op vele locaties ver van Nederland gebouwd. Meestal dienden deze ter bescherming van Nederlandse belangen. Denk hierbij aan de Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC) en de West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) die van de Staten Generaal een geweldsmandaat kregen om oorlog te voeren met rivaliserende Europese mogendheden. En ook aan de koloniale aanwezigheid in Nederlands Indië.

Anders dan veel boeken over de VOC en de WIC i...

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Ritual failure

archaeological perspectives

2017 || Hardcover || Vasiliki Koutrafouri e.a. || Sidestone Press

'Ritual Failure' is a new concept in archaeology adopted from the discipline of anthropology. Resilient religious systems disappearing, strict believers and faithful practitioners not performing their rites, entire societies changing their customs: how does a religious ritual system transform, change or disappear, leaving only traces of its past glory? Do societies change and then their ritual? Or do customs change first, in turn provoking wider cultural shifts in society? Archaeology possess...

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Palma Engraved Gems

from antiquity to the present

2017 || Hardcover || Ben Van den Bercken e.a. || Sidestone Press

Many are no larger than a fingertip. They are engraved with symbols, magic spells and images of gods, animals and emperors. These stones were used for various purposes. The earliest ones served as seals for making impressions in soft materials. Later engraved gems were worn or carried as personal ornaments - usually rings, but sometimes talismans or amulets. The exquisite engraved designs were thought to imbue the gems with special powers. For example, the gods and rituals depicted on cylinde...