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McGraw-Hill Education (2)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Labor Economics ISE

2023 || Paperback || George Borjas || McGraw-Hill Education

Labor Economics, ninth edition by George J. Borjas provides a modern introduction to labor economics, surveying the field with an emphasis on both theory and facts. Labor Economics is thoroughly integrated with the adaptive digital tools available in McGraw-Hill’s Connect, proven to increase student engagement and success in the course. All new Data Explorer questions using data simulation to help students grasp concepts Materials are fresh and up to date by introducing and discussing the ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

International Financial Management ISE / 10th edition

2023 || Paperback || Cheol Eun e.a. || McGraw-Hill Education

International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis through a text that is well-organized, comprehensive, and provides up-to-date coverage of the topics. Like the first nine editions, it is written based on two tenets: emphasis on the basics and emphasis on a managerial perspective.The scope and content of international finance has been fast evolving due to cycles of deregulations and regulations of financial markets, product innovations, and technological adva...