Geen verdere filters gevondenMacmillan (2)
Analyzing the European Union Policy Process
210 || Hardcover || Esther Versluis e.a. || Macmillan
Readers are provided with a practical insight into how to analyze policies and policy-making in the EU. Using case studies to deepen readers' understanding, this book examines the various stages of the policy process - from the moment the issue reaches the agenda through to drafting, implementation and evaluation.
International Organisation in World Politics
3rd Edition
2004 || Paperback || David Armstrong || Macmillan
Since the end of the Cold War, international organisations have assumed a greater importance on the world stage. The United Nations has played a key role in all of the major security issues during this period - increasingly called upon to address other global problems such as poverty and international crime - while the European Union has created a single currency and moved towards the adoption of a constitution. The growing significance of the World Trade Organisation and other economic insti...