Hartmann Books (4)
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Berlin 1945–2000
a Photographic Subject
2020 || Hardcover || Hartmann Books
Berlin 1945-2000 A Photographic Subject explores how German and international photographers alike photographed Berlin between the immediate postwar years and the end of the twentieth century. Curator and art historian Candice M. Hamelin selected exemplary works by more than twenty photographers. The book, which is published to accompany a major exhibition at the Reinbeckhallen in Berlin, opens with black-and-white photographs of Berlin in ruins and concludes with images of Berlin's urban deve...
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Ostkreuz. Kontinent
in Search of Europe
2020 || Hardcover || Hartmann Books
KONTINENT In Search of Europe is the new publication and exhibition project of OSTKREUZ-Agency of Photographers, Berlin. As in previous editions, a common topic was designated for agency members to work on for several years. KONTINENT is the seventh joint thematic publication of the agency members. Over the past three decades they have received recognition in Germany and abroad for their high-quality artistic, documentary photojournalism. As an artistic and political statement, the twenty-thr...
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maandag verzonden
2023 || Hardcover || Hartmann Books
(Please scroll down for english version)
Minimalistische Fotografie regt unsere Wahrnehmung besonders an, da sie den Blick auf vermeintlich unscheinbare Details lenkt und der Vorstellung Raum zur Entfaltung gibt. Ganz im Sinne des Philosophen Blaise Pascal, der sagte: »Das ganze Unglück der Menschen rührt allein daher, dass sie nicht ruhig in einem Zimmer zu bleiben vermögen.«, hinterfragt die niederländisch-ungarische Fotografin Satijn Panyigay (*1988) in ihren minimalistischen Fotogra...