
Engels (3)
Nederlands (2)
2016 (2)
2017 (2)

Eva Tas Foundation (5)

Vandaag besteld,
morgen verzonden

Speaking in silence

2015 || Paperback || Bui Tanh Hieu || Eva Tas Foundation

In the holiday paradise Vietnam, social media are allowed only to provide and exchange personal information. Bloggers and cyberdissidents who dare to question the government's legitimacy or domestic policies are ruthlessly suppressed. Political blogger Bui Thanh Hieu (1972) nevertheless uses the Internet to criticize politically hot topics, such as Vietnam's territorial claims within China as well as its handling of land disputes with the Catholic Church. In response to this, Hieu was arreste...

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A Fri Wortu, Het Vrije Woord

2017 || Paperback || Sylvana van den Braak || Eva Tas Foundation

Het vrije woord (Fri Wortu) is geen gemeengoed in Suriname. Sylvana van den Braak laat zien hoe, na de militaire coup in de jaren 1980, een periode van censuur en dictatuur begon. Ondanks democratische verkiezingen probeert de overheid nog steeds, op zijn eigen speciale manier, de media te beïnvloeden. Het bedrijfsleven gaat daarin mee. Daarnaast maken de kleinschaligheid van de gemeenschap van Suriname en de onderlinge relaties de weg vrij voor zelfcensuur. De waarheid kan alleen worden geh...

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Disappearing Public Spheres

2016 || Paperback || Parvez Alam || Eva Tas Foundation

'State of Nature' and 'State of exception' have become the only two options for the people of Bangladesh recently, where writers, bloggers and publishers are getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates and persecuted by the Government. Empowerment of polarizations such as 'secular' verses 'Islamists' have also empowered the ruling regime and Islamist extremist groups. Severe censorship on all kind of media has suffocated freedom of expression. New public spheres that had emerged in the internet era...

Vandaag besteld,
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Genocide of thoughts

2017 || Paperback || Handiso Bisrat Woldemichael || Eva Tas Foundation

Bisrat Woldemichael Handiso (1983) is an Ethiopian journalist who worked as an editor for different local newspapers. He was one of the founders of the Ethiopian Journalists Forum (EJF), an independent association made up of largely young journalists who advocate for greater press freedom in his country. In this function he ran trainig workshops and discussions on press freedom, visited journalist in prison and hospital and facilitated medical assistance for them. EJF was accused of being an ...

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2016 || Paperback || Amir Valle || Eva Tas Foundation

Amir Valle (Cuba, 1967) offers a unique analysis of the suppression of freedom of expression in Cuba by Fidel Castro's 'revolutionary' government. From the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 to the 'Raulist Era' of today, he offers a chilling survey of the most significant cases of cultural repression and censorship perpetrated by the longest Communist dictatorship in the world. From their beginnings in literature and journalism, the author has witnessed first hand the oppressive and pa...