
E-book via Bookshelf (2)

CRC Press (3)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Mechanics of Solids and Structures

2017 || Hardcover || Roger T. Fenner e.a. || CRC Press

A popular text in its first edition, Mechanics of Solids and Structures serves as a course text for the senior/graduate (fourth or fifth year) courses/modules in the mechanics of solid/advanced strength of materials, offered in aerospace, civil, engineering science, and mechanical engineering departments. Now, Mechanics of Solid and Structure, Second Edition presents the latest developments in computational methods that have revolutionized the field, while retaining all of the basic principle...

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Real-Time Collision Detection (e-book)

|| E-book via Bookshelf || Christer Ericson || CRC Press

Written by an expert in the game industry, Christer Ericson's new book is a comprehensive guide to the components of efficient real-time collision detection systems. The book provides the tools and know-how needed to implement industrial-strength collision detection for the highly detailed dynamic environments of applications such as 3D games, virtual reality applications, and physical simulators. Of the many topics covered, a key focus is on spatial and object partitioning through a wide var...

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Training and Assessing Non-Technical Skills (e-book)

2017 || E-book via Bookshelf || Matthew J.W. Thomas || CRC Press

Providing a practical guide to the training and assessment of non-technical skills within high-risk industries, this book will be of direct interest to safety and training professionals working within aviation, healthcare, rail, maritime, and other high-risk industries. Currently, each of these industries are working to integrate non-technical skills into their training and certification processes, particularly in light of increasing international regulation in this area. However, there is no...