
2024 (2)

Atria Books (3)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Unconditional Parenting

Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason

2024 || Paperback || Alfie Kohn || Atria Books

Synopsis coming soon.......

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
vandaag verzonden

Davis, W: One River

2024 || Paperback || Wade Davis || Atria Books

In the 1940s, biologist Richard Evans Schultes uncovered many of the secrets of the rain forest, relying not only on his own prodigious investigations, but on the wisdom passed down by local tribes. Thirty years later his student, Wade Davis, followed in his footsteps. Two interwoven tales of scientific adventure bring to life the riches of the Amazon basin and bear witness to the destruction of its indigenous culture and natural wonders over two generations. photos.

Levertijd onbekend

Essential Judaism: Updated Edition / 2nd edition

A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs & Rituals

2016 || Paperback || George Robinson || Atria Books

You'll find everything you need to know about being Jewish in this indispensable, revised and updated guide to the religious traditions, everyday practices, philosophical beliefs, and historical foundations of Judaism. What happens at a synagogue service? What are the rules for keeping kosher? How do I light the Hanukah candles? What is in the Hebrew Bible? What do the Jewish holidays signify? What should I be teaching my children about being Jewish? With the first edition of Essential Judais...