Resultaten (4)
Java Programming for Android Developers For Dummies / 2nd Edition
2016 || Paperback || Barry Burd || Wiley
Develop the next killer Android App using Java programming! Android is everywhere! It runs more than half the smartphones in the U.S.-and Java makes it go. If you want to cash in on its popularity by learning to build Android apps with Java, all the easy-to-follow guidance you need to get started is at your fingertips. Inside, you'll learn the basics of Java and grasp how it works with Android; then, you'll go on to create your first real, working application.
How cool is that? The demand for...
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Structured Computer Organization / 6th Edition
International Edition
2012 || Paperback || Andrew Tanenbaum || Pearson || ook als eBook
Structured Computer Organization, specifically written for undergraduate students, is a best-selling guide that provides an accessible introduction to computer hardware and architecture. This text will also serve as a useful resource for all computer professionals and engineers who need an overview or introduction to computer architecture. This book takes a modern structured, layered approach to understanding computer systems.
Its highly accessible - and its been thoroughly updated to reflec...
ISE Principles of Electronic Communication Systems / 5th Edition
2022 || Paperback || Louis Frenzel || McGraw-Hill
Principles of Electronic Communication Systems provides the most up-to-date survey available for students taking a first course in electronic communications. Requiring only basic algebra and trigonometry, this new edition is notable for its readability, learning features and numerous full-color photos and illustrations. A systems approach is used to cover state-of-the-art communications technologies, to best reflect current industry practice.
This title is available in Connect with SmartBook,...
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Electronic Devices / 10th edition
Conventional Current Edition
2018 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd || Pearson || ook als eBook
For courses in basic electronics and electronic devices and circuits A user-friendly, hands-on introduction to electronic devices filled with practical applications and software simulationElectronic Devices (Conventional Current Version), 10/e, provides a solid foundation in basic analog electronics and a thorough introduction to analog integrated circuits and programmable devices. The text identifies the circuits and components within a system, helping students see how the circuit relates to...