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Values-Based Leadership in Healthcare
Congruent Leadership Explored
2019 || Hardcover || Stanley || SAGE
David Stanley introduces the bold, new leadership theory of Congruent Leadership, presenting it through a series of corporate and clinical case studies and examples, which guide the reader through the possibilities for using their own values to inform best practice.
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Succeeding in Literature Reviews and Research Project Plans for Nursing Students
2019 || Hardcover || Williamson || SAGE
Now in it's fourth edition and thoroughly updated to ensure all content is mapped to the new 2018 NMC standards, this book is a practical and readable guide to undertaking a research project plan or a literature review for final year assessment.
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De trap naar de Hemel
gespreksboek dementerenden rond Christelijke Feestdagen
2019 || Hardcover || Anja Bruijkers || Adveniat
‘Welke verhalen lenen zich nu voor een gesprek met onze ouderen
die dementerend zijn, rondom de christelijke feestdagen en
persoonlijke feest- en gedenkdagen?’
Dit vroegen zorgmedewerkers en vrijwilligers aan geestelijk
verzorger Anja Bruijkers. Hun vraag resulteerde in deze inspirerende
gesprekshandreiking met dertig gespreksthema’s. De methode
is ontstaan en getoetst in de praktijk van zorginstellingen.
Speciaal voor deze handreiking werden dertig afbeeldingen
geschilderd. Ze roepen i...
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Adult Palliative Care for Nursing, Health and Social Care
2019 || Hardcover || Costello || SAGE
John Costello and a team of palliative care specialists take a patient-centred approach to discussing palliative and end of life care across a range of diseases and illnesses.
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Introduction to Nursing for First Year Students
2019 || Hardcover || Moorley || SAGE
Covering all the skills, theory and knowledge that students will need to know in order to succeed, this book is packed full of information relating to the core modules and key topics taught in the first year of a nursing degree.