Resultaten (132)
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Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion
2024 || Paperback || USA) Jack (University of Minnesota Zipes || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
As Jack Zipes convincingly shows in this classic work, fairy tales have always been a powerful discourse, capable of being used to shape or destabilize attitudes and behavior within culture. How and why did certain authors try to influence children or social images of children?
An Introduction to Literary Studies / 4th edition
2023 || Paperback || Mario Klarer || Taylor & Francis
The fourth edition of this classic beginner’s guide to literary studies has been fully updated throughout. Mario Klarer offers a concise and accessible discussion of central issues in English and world literature as well as film and television series. Starting with the basics of what constitutes a literary text, the book moves through an analysis of major genres, important periods, and key theoretical approaches to literature and film.
It also looks at the practicalities of finding and refe...
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British Folk Tales and Legends
A Sampler
2024 || Paperback || Katharine Briggs || Taylor & Francis Group Limited
An extravaganza of beautiful princesses and stout stable boys, sour-faced witches and king with hearts of gold. Each tale is a masterpiece of storytelling from the hilarious Three Sillies to the delightfully macabre Sammles ghost.
Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening / 2nd edition
Metacognition in Action
2021 || Paperback || Christine C.M. Goh e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Now in its second edition, this reader-friendly text offers a comprehensive treatment of concepts and knowledge related to teaching second language (L2) listening, with a particular emphasis on metacognition. This book advocates a learner-oriented approach to teaching listening that focuses on the process of learning to listen. It applies theories of metacognition and language comprehension to offer sound and reliable pedagogical models for developing learner listening inside and outside the ...
Introducing Translation Studies / 5th edition
Theories and Applications
2022 || Paperback || Jeremy Munday e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Introducing Translation Studies remains the definitive guide to the theories and concepts that make up the field of translation studies. Providing an accessible and up-to-date overview, this is a practical, user-friendly textbook ideal for students and researchers on courses in Translation and Translation Studies.
Learning How to Ask
A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
1986 || Paperback || Charles L. Briggs || Cambridge University Press
Interviews are ubiquitous in modern society, and they play a crucial role in social scientific research. But, as Charles Briggs convincingly argues in this book, received interviewing techniques rest on fundamental misapprehensions about the nature both of the interview as a communicative event, and of the nature of the data that it produces. Furthermore, interviewers rarely examine the compatibility of interviews as a means of acquiring information to one another.
These oversights often blin...
Linguistics for Language Teachers
Lessons for Classroom Practice
2020 || Paperback || Sunny Park-Johnson e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This book is an accessible introduction to linguistics specifically tailored for teachers of second language/bilingual education. It guides teachers stepwise through the components of language, focusing on the areas of linguistics that are most pertinent for teaching. Throughout the book there are opportunities to analyze linguistic data and discuss language-related issues in various educational and social contexts.
Readers will be able to identify patterns in actual language use to inform th...
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Discourse as Data
A Guide for Analysis
2021 || Paperback || Margaret Wetherell e.a. || SAGE
Discourse as Data uses a step-by-step approach to introduce the principal range of methods for discourse analysis, and offers the reader practical opportunities to try out analytic concepts on new data. The contributors come from across the social sciences - each an expert in a different core method in discourse analysis.
Basic Indonesian
An Introductory Coursebook
2010 || Paperback || Stuart Robson e.a. || Tuttle Pub
This is a user-friendly and comprehensive beginner Indonesian book and a great way to learn Indonesian. Divided into 28 graded lessons, Basic Indonesian provides fill-in-the-blank exercises, quizzes, word puzzles and question-and-answer practices to reinforce Indonesian language learning. Extensive cultural notes are provided along with detailed tips on etiquette and appropriate cultural behavior in the world's largest Islamic society.
It has been made to fill the need for a one-volume Indone...
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Methods of Critical Discourse Studies
2021 || Paperback || Ruth Wodak e.a. || SAGE
Now featuring an expanded range of examples of critical discourse analysis in action, and across a wide variety of disciplines, and two new chapters on multimodality and social media, this book continues to provide readers with a sophisticated and nuanced treatment of discourse studies from experts in the field