
Nederlands (11)

Resultaten (12)

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met 5% korting 92,15

An Introduction to Fully Integrated Mixed Methods Research

2017 || Paperback || Creamer || SAGE

Creamer's practical and original approach enables students and researchers to feel confident when designing their own fully integrated mixed methods studies to answer their research questions.

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met 5% korting 65,55

Analyzing Inequalities

An Introduction to Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Using the General Social Survey

2017 || Paperback || Harnois || SAGE

Analyzing Inequalities: An Introduction to Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Using the General Social Survey is a practical resource for helping students connect sociological issues with real-world data in the context of their first undergraduate sociology courses. This worktext introduces readers to the GSS, one of the most widely analyzed surveys in the U.S.; examines a range of GSS questions related to social inequalities; and demonstrates basic techniques for analyzing this data online...

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met 5% korting 124,45

Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS

2017 || Paperback || Knapp || SAGE

This applied text combines clear explanations of intermediate-level statistics with a rich set of exercises to develop students' skills in selecting, performing and evaluating statistical tests. Each exercise involves writing a brief abstract so that students can translate results into a cohesive and concise story about their data.

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met 5% korting 46,55

Integrating Analyses in Mixed Methods Research

2017 || Paperback || Bazeley || SAGE

This book goes beyond mixed methods research design and data collection to provide a pragmatic discussion of the challenges of effectively integrating data to encourage a more comprehensive and rigorous level of analysis.

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met 5% korting 146,30

The Development of Sociological Theory

Readings from the Enlightenment to the Present

2017 || Paperback || Trevino || SAGE

A comprehensive anthology of excerpts from original works of sociological theory.

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met 5% korting 124,45

Social Psychology: Individuals, Interaction, and Inequality

2017 || Paperback || Karen A. Hegtvedt e.a. || SAGE

Social Psychology takes a sociological approach to the study of the individual in relationship to society. It's main purpose is is to highlight how social psychology provides varied, yet inter-related, explanations for individuals' experiences in groups.

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met 5% korting 47,50

Transcribing for Social Research

2017 || Paperback || Hepburn || SAGE

Guiding readers through the Jeffersonian transcription conventions, this book sets out the best practices for successfully transcribing talk and interaction, and covers guides to software and technology and how to transcribe more than just words.

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met 5% korting 41,80

A Crash Course in Statistics

2017 || Paperback || Winter || SAGE

A Crash Course in Statistics is a short introduction to key statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way and two-way ANOVA, the t-test, and Chi Square. Each of the five chapters provides an overview of each method, and then walks readers through a relevant example, using SPSS to highlight how to run the statistics and how to write up the results in APA style.

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met 5% korting 52,25

De arena's van het arbeidsbestel

inleiding tot de sociologie van arbeid en arbeidsverhoudingen

2021 || Paperback || Christophe Vanroelen e.a. || Acco

Arbeidssociologie richt zich op de studie van het sociale fenomeen 'arbeid'. Arbeid heeft een erg belangrijke plaats in ons leven. Daarom zijn sociologische vragen over arbeid bijzonder divers. Arbeidssociologen buigen zich onder meer over de manier waarop we 'arbeid' organiseren in onze samenleving, of staan stil bij de rol van de verschillende actoren die vorm geven aan het arbeidsbestel: werknemers, werkgevers, vakbonden, de overheid... Ze analyseren ook de gevolgen van arbeid voor werknem...

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maandag verzonden
met 5% korting 47,50


The Essential Guide

2017 || Paperback || May || SAGE

With coverage of both original ideas and the authors' own practical experiences, this book helps readers to unlock the importance of reflexivity and understand its benefits.