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Van weerstand naar veranderbereidheid / Druk 3
over willen, moeten en kunnen veranderen
2019 || Paperback || Erwin Metselaar e.a. || Bricklayer Productions
Een stabiele factor in de literatuur over verandermanagement. Van het daarin gepresenteerde diagnose-instrument, de DINAMO voor veranderbereidheid, wordt intensief gebruik gemaakt in de praktijk van verandermanagement.
Managing and Organizations / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Clegg || SAGE
Covering all the basics in organizational behaviour, as well critically reflecting on the institutions and practices of business life, the sixth edition of Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice has been updated to include: * Cutting-edge content on diversity and inclusion, design thinking, followership and deglobalization * New and updated 'In Practice' boxes offering real-world examples * Engaging case studies, such as How to start decolonising your business, Pow...