
Paperback (4)
Engels (4)

Resultaten (5)

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Cy Twombly’s Quattro Stagioni

Studies in Art-Based Learning

2022 || Hardcover || Jeroen Lutters || ArtEZ Press

The fourth instalment of the ‘Teaching Objects’ series revolves around “Creation”. In this art novella the reader is guided by Lisa, a young artist who is facing death. A dialogue with four works by the American painter Cy Twombly emerges from the question of life’s duration, and Lisa discovers the secret of creative speech. The protagonist’s thoughts bring her to Gaeta, a seaside town near Velia, the ancient Greek town in Italy, now named Elea – the place where the school of Pa...

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I don't know what you are going to say

2018 || Paperback || Erik Hagoort || Jap Sam Books

Thinking together aloud.

Talking uninhibitedly.

Holding a non-polemic conversation.

How can you receive an idea hospitably?

You don't know what the other person is going to say.

You don't always know what you yourself are going to say.

This book provides a picture of the 'thinking aloud' that went on during several gatherings initiated by Erik Hagoort. In a series of essays, he builds on ideas on closeness that originate from Ilse Bulhof, Emmanuel Levinas and Cornelis Verhoeven.

'I don't kno...

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Can you feel it?

Effectuating tactility and print in the contemporary

2018 || Paperback || Johanna Drucker e.a. || Onomatopee Projects - public gallery and publisher

What exactly is the tactile, in a world in which a rising technocracy exploits the designed environment we feel? Who authorises and who writes, what tradition do we stand in and how can we touch base?

After endlessly hearing that Onomatopee publications have a materiality and tactility not often experienced in recent years, Onomatopee director and curator Freek Lomme decided to create an exhibition and publication addressing the issue of tactility and print today, accommodated by the Frans Ma...

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Blikseminslag - Stukjes over kunst

Stukjes over kunst

2018 || Paperback || Carel Blotkamp || Waanders Uitgevers

Kunst werkt verslavend. Sommigen halen kunst het liefst naar zich toe om er alleen of met familie en vrienden thuis van te genieten. Anderen gaan zo vaak als ze kunnen op pad om musea, kerken, galeries en andere plaatsen te bezoeken waar kunst getoond wordt.

Door de overvloed aan kunst waarmee je geconfronteerd wordt, dreigt er daardoor vervlakking op te treden in kunstbeleving. Routine treedt in. De enige remedie, is proberen amateur te blijven. Dus: open blijven staan voor nieuwe ervaringen...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Commonism A New Aesthetics of the Real

A New Aesthetics of the Real

2018 || Paperback || Nico Dockx e.a. || Valiz

After half a century of neoliberalism, a new radical, practice-based ideology is making its way from the margins: commonism, with an o in the middle. It is based on the values of sharing, common (intellectual) ownership and new social cooperations. Commoners assert that social relationships can replace money (contract) relationships. They advocate solidarity and they trust in peer-to-peer relationships to develop new ways of production.

Commonism maps those new ideological thoughts. How do t...