Resultaten (7)
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De Europese Erfrechtverordening voor het Notariaat
een praktische handleiding
2016 || Paperback || A.M. Steegmans e.a. || Sdu
Op 17 augustus 2015 is de Europese Erfrechtverordening in werking getreden. Een van de doelstellingen van de verordening is om de behandeling van een erfopvolging met grensoverschrijdende gevolgen in de Europese Unie snel, soepel en efficiënt te laten
verlopen. Hiervoor is een Europese Verklaring van Erfrecht in het leven geroepen. Dit is een eenvormige verklaring om de rechten en bevoegdheden van de verschillende betrokken personen (zoals erfgenamen, executeurs, bewindvoerders) aan te tonen....
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International Air Law and ICAO / Druk 3
2016 || Hardcover || Michael Milde || Eleven international publishing
This is the third edition of the acclaimed International Air Law and ICAO, first published in 2008. The book has been fully updated to take the latest developments into account. Specialized legal literature dealing with different aspects of international air law is rare, the developments often overtake the existing writings and there is a continuous need not only for updating but also for future-oriented thinking. There is a practical need for a compact but exhaustive and easily comprehensibl...
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The CAM/CCBC Arbitration Rules 2012: A Commentary
2016 || Hardcover || Frederico José Straube e.a. || Eleven international publishing
The prominent role of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada in the context of international commercial arbitration in Brazil is already well established, but its recognition will be enhanced by the fact that it will serve as the relevant set of rules to be applied in the 2017 edition of the Vis Moot Competition. The present commentary provides a detailed road map of the international arbitral process as contemplated from a Brazilian perspective and ...
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EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles
2016 || Paperback || B. Wessels || Eleven international publishing
This publication contains a set of 26 EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles ('EU JudgeCo Principles') and 18 EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Communications Guidelines ('EU JudgeCo Guidelines'). These EU JudgeCo Principles will strengthen efficient and effective communication between courts in EU Member States in insolvency cases with cross-border effects. They have been produced in a period of two years (2013-2014), developed by a team of scholars of Leide...
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Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law
contemporary urban housing law
2016 || Hardcover || Julian Sidoli e.a. || Eleven international publishing
In Regulating the City: Contemporary Urban Housing Law the authors seek to address a range of issues that focus largely on the question of housing in an urban context. It is in the urban context that the challenge of contemporary housing law and policy is at its most acute with issues of supply, regulation, density and the like at the forefront of the debate. Housing law is one of the most important and vibrant areas of law. Its importance is rooted in the fundamental value of the home, but i...
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Groningen Centre for Law and Governance Letselschade en Europa
internationale invloeden op de Nederlandse letselschadepraktijk
2016 || Paperback || F.T. Oldenhuis e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag
De Vakgroep Privaatrecht en Notarieel Recht van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen organiseerde op 5 oktober 2015 voor de negende keer het Gronings Letselschadecongres, onder het thema Letselschade en Europa; Internationale invloeden op de Nederlandse letselschadepraktijk. Dit boek bevat de geactualiseerde bijdragen van de sprekers tijdens dit congres.
De sprekers gaan in op onderwerpen als de betekenis van het EVRM voor de letselschadepraktijk, de 'harde' invloed uit 'Brussel' en de softe invlo...
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Between Hobbes' Leviathan and Smith's Invisible Hand
empirical and interdisciplinary legal research on formal and informal institutions in trust relations
2016 || Paperback || Vincent W. Buskens || Eleven international publishing
This is the inaugural address delivered on the acceptance of the Chair of Empirical Legal Studies at the Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam.