Resultaten (66)
Change by Design / Revised, Updated Edition
How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
2019 || Hardcover || Tim Brown || HarperCollins || ook als eBook
The subject of "design thinking" is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press--due in large part to work of IDEO, a leading design firm, and its celebrated CEO, Tim Brown, who uses this book to show how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.
How To Master The Art Of Selling
2019 || Paperback || Tom Hopkins || Grand Central Publishing
A revised and updated edition of 'How to Master the Art of Selling', which educates on how to succeed in sales, including new information on using the latest research techniques and using e-mail and online resources to generate deals more quickly and efficiently.
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How to be a Productivity Ninja UPDATED EDITION
Worry Less, Achieve More and Love What You Do
2022 || Paperback || Graham Allcott || Veltman Distributie Import Books
A completely revised and updated edition of the bestselling productivity guide
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Supply Chain Management / 7th edition
Strategy, Planning, and Operation
2019 || Paperback || Sunil Chopra || Pearson || ook als eBook
For MBA, engineering master, or senior-level undergraduate courses in supply chain management. A strategic framework for understanding supply chain managementSupply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving students the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, students are guided through all of the key drivers of supply chain performance, including facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pr...
The Strategy Book:
How to think and act strategically to deliver outstanding results
2019 || Paperback || Max Mckeown || Pearson
Strategy is about shaping the future. Thinking strategically is what separates good managers and great leaders. Learn the fundamentals about how to create winning strategy and lead your team to deliver it. From understanding what strategy can do for you, through to creating a strategy and engaging others with strategy, this book offers practical guidance and expert tips. It is peppered with punchy, memorable examples from real leaders winning (and losing) with real world strategies.
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A Critical Text
2019 || Paperback || Simon Western || SAGE
A much loved, highly regarded Leadership text which provides a refreshing counterpoint to traditional textbooks. It is not a typical textbook but rather presents a new framework for understanding leadership.
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Qualitative Research in Business and Management
2020 || Paperback || Michael D Myers || SAGE
Now in its third edition, Qualitative Research in Business and Management has been fully updated to include a range of recent examples of aspects of qualitative research in action, and a new look at the methods and ethics of using social media data.
Basisboek Informatie & Control / Druk 3 (e-book)
2020 || E-book via Bookshelf || Eddy Vaassen || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar
- Integrale benadering van het thema informatie en control;
- brengt samenhang aan tussen de verschillende vakgebieden;
- stevig basisboek met mogelijkheid tot verdieping in de vervolgdelen.
In Basisboek Informatie & Control ligt het accent op de problemen waar organisaties tegenaan lopen op het gebied van informatie en control. Daarbij wordt uitgebreid gekeken naar mogelijke oplossingen voor deze problemen. Aan bod komen o.a. de grondslagen van interne beheersing en administratieve organisat...
Exploring Internal Communication / 4th edition
Towards Informed Employee Voice
2019 || Hardcover || Kevin Ruck || Taylor & Francis
Exploring Internal Communication has long been the go-to publication for internal communication, public relations and human resources practitioners who want their practice to be grounded in research and guided by evidence-based advice. The new fourth edition has been comprehensively updated throughout to reflect the latest thinking in internal communication. Notably, the use of social media within organisations is explored in depth in recognition of the increasing integration of digital platf...
Selling and Sales Management / 11th Edition
2019 || Paperback || David Jobber e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Over the past quarter of a century, Selling and Sales Management has proved itself to be the definitive text in this exciting and fast-paced subject area. This new edition comes fully updated with new case studies, using working businesses to connect sales theory to the practical implications of selling in a modern environment. It also contains the results from cutting-edge research that differentiates it from most of its competitors.
The book continues to place emphasis on global aspects of ...