Resultaten (6)
East Asian Regionalism / 2nd edition
2016 || Hardcover || Christopher M. Dent || Taylor & Francis
East Asia is one of the world's most dynamic and diverse regions and is also becoming an increasingly coherent region through the inter-play of various integrative economic, political and socio-cultural processes. Fully updated and revised throughout, this new edition explores the various ways in which East Asian regionalism continues to deepen. The second edition has been expanded to incorporate coverage of significant issues that have emerged in recent years including: Growing tensions in t...
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Weg van Filantropie
handboek voor samenwerking tussen grote gevers en non-profit organisaties
2017 || Hardcover || Hans Broodman e.a. || Walburg Pers || met inkijkexemplaar
Weg van filantropie is een handboek voor nonprofit-organisaties die (beter) willen samenwerken met grote gevers, en vice versa. Het staat vol praktische tips, gebaseerd op ervaringen uit de dagelijkse praktijk van Vera en Hans, interviews die zij met grote gevers en non-profit organisaties
voerden en de informatie uit het grote geveronderzoek Filantropie in Nederland.
Wie de weg van filantropie bewandelt, leert al snel dat tweerichtingsverkeer noodzakelijk is om grote gevers met succes aa...
Lean for Sales
Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling
2016 || Hardcover || Sean Gillespie e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This groundbreaking book describes the Lean journey as it extends to a business area that is mission critical, yet has been virtually untouched by the Lean transformation. Lean for Sales: Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling provides sales professionals, and their management teams, with a structured, fact-based approach to boosting sales close rates and delivering improved business value to customers. The time-tested Lean selling techniques described in this book have been prove...
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering / 5th edition
2016 || Hardcover || H. Fogler || Pearson
The Definitive, Fully Updated Guide to Solving Real-World Chemical Reaction Engineering Problems For decades, H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering has been the world's dominant text for courses in chemical reaction engineering. Now, Fogler has created a new, completely updated fifth edition of his internationally respected book. The result is a refined book that contains new examples and problems, as well as an updated companion Web site. More than ever, Fogler has succ...
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SPIN Verkooptechniek
hoe haal je grote orders binnen?
2016 || Hardcover || N. Rackham || MainPress B.V.
Wat leidt tot succes bij grote orders? Waardoor zijn sommige verkopers voortdurend beter dan hun concurrenten? Waarom werken bepaalde afsluittechnieken wel bij kleine orders maar niet bij grote? Hoe kunnen verkopers hun omzet bij grote klanten aanzienlijk verhogen? Het antwoord op al deze vragen vindt u met behulp van de SPIN-strategie.
Twaalf jaar onderzoek heeft geleid tot de verkoopstrategie die bekend staat onder de naam SPIN: Situatie-, Probleem-, Implicatie- en Nuttig-effect-vragen. De ...
Designing for Growth
A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers
2016 || Hardcover || Jeanne Liedtka e.a. || Columbia University Press
Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie educate readers in one of the hottest trends in business: "design thinking," or the ability to turn abstract ideas into practical applications for maximal business growth. Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind-set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking, unpack the mysterious connection between design and growth, and teach managers in a straightforward way how to exploit design's exciting potential. Exemplified by Apple and the success of its elegant product...