Resultaten (11)
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Using Technology to Engage Students With Learning Disabilities
2016 || Paperback || Krakower || SAGE
This book shows how to use technology to address the needs of students with learning disabilities through differentiation and universal design for learning.
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Understanding and Teaching Holocaust Education
2016 || Paperback || Cowan || SAGE
Pragmatic and teacher-focused book on how to approach the controversial and difficult teaching topic of the Holocaust.
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Beelden van mijn toekomst
een ACT toolkit voor loopbaanoriëntatie en begeleiding
2016 || Paperback || Tom Luken e.a. || NSvP
Het kiezen van een vervolgstudie is voor veel leerlingen in havo en vwo moeilijk. Het keuzeproces goed begeleiden is voor decanen, mentoren, ouders en andere studiekeuzebegeleiders een opgave. Bestuurders worstelen met de vraag hoe studie-uitval verminderd en studiemotivatie verbeterd kan worden.
Tom Luken en Albert de Folter bieden met de ACT toolkit voor LOB een innovatieve aanvulling op bestaande methoden en instrumenten voor studiekeuzebegeleiding. Acceptatie en commitment zijn de sleute...
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Assistive Technology
2016 || Paperback || Bouck || SAGE
This book will help educators better understand assistive technology and how it can support students with disabilities from early childhood through the transition into adulthood.
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STEM-Infusing the Elementary Classroom
2016 || Paperback || Reagan || SAGE
With real classroom examples of successful STEM teaching, sample lessons and lesson plan templates, this book supports primary school teachers to infuse STEM projects in to their classroom teaching.
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The Novice Advantage
Fearless Practice for Every Teacher
2016 || Paperback || Eckert || SAGE
Inspiring to teachers of all experience levels, this guide uses humour and insight to show how to teach with daring, while growing through risk, reflection, and revision.
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Making the Most of Your Career Development
2016 || Paperback || Neugebauer || SAGE
Whether you're undertaking an employability module on your course, or need advice on developing transferable employability skills throughout your degree, this handy guide provides the theory and practical help you need to get your foot on the career ladder on graduation.
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How Schools and Districts Meet Rigorous Standards Through Authentic Intellectual Work
2016 || Paperback || King || SAGE
This book guides teachers and school leaders address and implement more rigorous curriculum standards.
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The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe
2016 || Hardcover || Geddes || SAGE
This second edition has been completely updated to cover recent events and issues including the Syrian refugee crisis, the Paris terror attacks, the rise of right-wing political parties, and the Shengen agreement, thus continuing to provide readers with a timely and significant resource
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The SAGE Handbook of E-learning Research
2016 || Hardcover || Haythornthwaite || SAGE
The new edition of The SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research retains the original effort of the first edition by focusing on research while capturing the leading edge of e-learning development and practice.