Resultaten (19)
Reflective Practice in Education and Training / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Roffey- Barentsen || Learning Matters
A practical text on reflective practice for trainee teachers in theFE and skills sector.
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2023 || Hardcover || Tummons || Learning Matters
This text is an introduction to learning and teaching in the post compulsory sector, going further than other texts in its exploration of the sector.
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50 Assessment Approaches
2023 || Hardcover || Mansell || Learning Matters
This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 assessment approaches for use and adaptation in any learning environment.
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Betekenisvol hulpverlenen
2023 || Paperback || Kim Lemmen || Acco
Als hulpverlener wil je ten alle tijden je cliënt helpen, maar hoe stap je de belevingswereld van je cliënt binnen? Waar heeft je cliënt behoefte aan? Hoe kun je je cliënt optimaal begeleiden? Wat gebeurt er in het hulpverleningsproces als vraag en aanbod samenkomen? Hoe denk je out of the box om achter de behoefte van een cliënt te komen? En hoe doorbreek je je eigen (culturele) referentiekader?
Dit boek richt zich op professionalisering in vraaggestuurd werken vanui...
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Het Communistisch Manifest
2023 || Paperback || Karl Marx e.a. || The Alliance
"Het Communistisch Manifest" is een politieke pamflet geschreven door Karl Marx en Friedrich Engels in 1848. Het zet de basisprincipes van het communisme en de communistische beweging uiteen, en betoogt dat het kapitalisme een systeem is dat onvermijdelijk leidt tot uitbuiting en klassenconflict.
Het pamflet begint met een beroemde verklaring: "Een spook waart door Europa - het spook van het communisme." Het gaat verder met de argumentatie dat gedurende de geschiedenis samenlevingen zijn gede...
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Learning, Teaching and Development: Strategies for Action
2023 || Paperback || Ashmore || SAGE
A best-practice guide to teaching in the further education and skills sector, and in professional organizational learning contexts, this volume examines the key concepts underpinning effective teaching and learning.
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The Apprentice s Guide to End Point Assessment
2023 || Hardcover || Bradbury || Learning Matters
This book is an essential guide for apprentices and their trainers. It supports you to prepare for the Gateway and get ready for your EPA. It helps you to make sense of EPA and to understand the expectations of your assessors.
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The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work
2023 || Hardcover || Malloch || SAGE
Across 40 chapters, learners, learning and work are situated within educational, organisational, social, economic and political contexts. Taken together, these contributions paint a picture of evolving perspectives of how scholars from around the world view developments in both theory and practice, and map the shifts in learning and work over the past two decades.
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Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Disciplinary Approaches to Educational Enquiry / Druk 2
2023 || Paperback || Cleaver || SAGE
This text explores best practice approaches to undertaking enquiry into learning and teaching in higher education for staff from all academic disciplines.
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Digital Literacy Skills for FE Teachers
2023 || Paperback || White || Learning Matters
This practical guide for teachers and tutors in the further education and skills sector will help them develop their digital literacy skills in order to enhance teaching and support student learning.