Resultaten (4)
morgen verzonden
Harpij Enrichment Book
Ideas for the behavioural enrichment of animals in zoos
2018 || Paperback || Fernande Hazewinkel || Stichting De Harpij
Praktijkboek bosbeheer / 2e herziene druk
2018 || Hardcover || Johnny Cornelis || Stichting Probos en Inverde
Bij het beheer van bossen is vakkennis onontbeerlijk. Ingrepen van een bosbeheerder kunnen decennia lang doorwerken in het bos. Vakkennis vormt daarom één van de pijlers van duurzaam bosbeheer.
Dit boek is gemaakt door bijna 80 deskundigen uit zowel Nederland als Vlaanderen. In 17 hoofdstukken beschrijven zij alle aspecten van het praktische bosbeheer. Centraal staan de twee belangrijkste sturingsmaatregelen in bossen, namelijk verjongen en vellen. Om deze reden vormen hoofdstukken als verj...
Equitation Science / 2nd edition
2018 || Paperback || Paul McGreevy e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
A new edition of a highly respected textbook and reference in the rapidly emerging field of equitation science. Equitation Science, 2nd Edition incorporates learning theory into ethical equine training frameworks suitable for riders of any level and for all types of equestrian activity. Written by international experts at the forefront of the development of the field, the welfare of the horse and rider safety are primary considerations throughout.
This edition features a new chapter on resear...
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management / 2nd edition
A Sustainability Perspective
2018 || Hardcover || Mickey Howard e.a. || Taylor & Francis
For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to expl...