Geen verdere filters gevondenResultaten (2)
The Ethology of Domestic Animals / 3rd edition
An introductory text
2017 || Paperback || Per Jensen || CABI Publishing
Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout, this classic bestselling text provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of animal behaviour. It covers genetics, physiology, motivations, learning and cognition, through to social and reproductive behaviours, abnormal behaviour and human-animal interactions.
Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout, this classic bestselling text continues to provide a concise introduction to the important fundame...
Clinical Microbiology / 2nd Edition
2017 || Paperback || J. Keith Struthers || Taylor & Francis
This concise, beautifully illustrated book provides a convenient introduction to the basic science of medical microbiology and how this relates to clinical practice. Expanded from the prize-winning first edition to cover virology and parasitology in addition to bacteriology, this second editions explains the essentials of microbial infection and continues to provide a sound basis for developing logical diagnostic and management strategies, including the critical area of antibiotic usage. Sect...