Resultaten (6)
Acting For Real / 2nd edition
Drama Therapy Process, Technique, and Performance
2019 || Paperback || Renee Emunah || Taylor & Francis
This second edition takes the reader further into the heart of using drama for healing. Dr. Emunah offers an expanded understanding of her Integrative Five Phase model, a foundational approach that embraces the wide spectrum of possibilities within the playing field of drama therapy.
Grounded by compassionate clinical examples, including ones that reach over time into deep-seated issues, the book offers tools for action-oriented treatment, embodied therapeutic interventions, and creatively en...
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Drama as Therapy Volume 1 / 2nd edition
Theory, Practice and Research
2007 || Paperback || Phil Jones || Taylor & Francis
Presents a review of the practice and theory of Dramatherapy. Featuring practical guidance, clinical examples and research vignettes, this book considers developments in the field and researches the impact of the 'core processes' on clinical practice. It shows how Dramatherapy is used with a wide range of clients and applied to individual needs.
Communication in Organizations / 2nd edition
Basic Skills and Conversation Models
2018 || Paperback || Henk T. Van der Molen e.a. || Taylor & Francis
One of the most important requirements of leadership is effective communication. The idea that some people are natural leaders and that others will never learn to show good leadership is now outdated. It has been replaced by the conviction that leadership and communication skills can be learnt.
This second edition of Communication in Organizations continues to give clear advice and guidance on communicating in a range of different contexts in the workplace. From handling complaints and breaki...
Concise Chemical Thermodynamics / 3rd edition
2010 || Paperback || A.P.H. Peters || Taylor & Francis
The first two editions of Concise Chemical Thermodynamics proved to be a very popular introduction to a subject many undergraduate students perceive to be difficult due to the underlying mathematics. With its concise explanations and clear examples, the text has for the past 40 years clarified for countless students one of the most complicated branches of science. Following in the tradition of its predecessors, this Third Edition continues to offer a practical, example-based exploration of a ...
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Food and Beverage Management / 6th Edition
2018 || Paperback || Bernard Davis e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its main sectors - fast food and casual dining, hotels and quality restaurants and event, industrial and welfare catering. It also looks at some of the important trends affecting the food and beverage industry, cov...
The Essence of Gastronomy
Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages
2013 || Hardcover || Peter Klosse || Taylor & Francis
The Essence of Gastronomy: Understanding the Flavor of Foods and Beverages presents a new comprehensive and unifying theory on flavor, which answers ancient questions and offers new opportunities for solving food-related issues. It presents gastronomy as a holistic concept, focusing not only on the food and its composition but also on the human who eats it. This book defines gastronomy as the science of flavor and tasting, where flavor is a broadly interpreted objective characteristic that re...