
Archeologie (3)

Resultaten (4)

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Unter Hügeln (BAND 1)

Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg)

2023 || Hardcover || Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida || Sidestone Press Dissertations

During the Bronze Age the new, eponymous, highly-desired metal spread widely across Europe. It changed labour sectors, networks, worldviews and societies, and brought with it different transformations in diverse areas of life and death. With this book, all changes from the Bronze Age for the area of Schleswig-Holstein were put under the spotlight.

In this framework of research, the Mang de Bargen site near Bornhöved (district of Segeberg), once the target of gravel works, developed into one ...

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Navigating with White-Faced Capuchin Monkeys

Primate Behavioral Ecology and Spatial Cognition in a Mesoamerican Rainforest

2023 || Hardcover || Bernardo Urbani || Sidestone Press Dissertations

This monograph examines a set of questions concerning human and nonhuman primate cognition, spatial memory, foraging behavior, and the ability of monkeys to form mental maps of the location and distribution of feeding and resting sites.

Two primary forms of spatial memory have been hypothesized for primates. First, it has been suggested that primates might represent spatial memory in the form of a coordinate-based (geometric) map in which points in the landscape are stored as true coordinates...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Before Temples

Rectangular structures of the Low Countries and their place in the Iron Age belief system

2023 || Hardcover || Roosje de Leeuwe || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Before the introduction of Roman temples in the Low Countries, there used to be ‘open air cult places’ in the Iron Age. That is at least the assumption based on descriptions given by classical writers and several structures typified as sanctuaries that were excavated in France.

Several of these French sanctuaries portray long usage, modifications, disarticulated human remains, and depositions of animal bones and Iron Age weaponry. However, the regularly encountered rectangular structures...

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Unter Hügeln (BAND 2)

Bronzezeitliche Transformationsprozesse in Schleswig-Holstein am Beispiel des Fundplatzes von Mang de Bargen (Bornhöved, Kr. Segeberg)

2023 || Hardcover || Stefanie Schaefer-Di Maida || Sidestone Press Dissertations

Mit der Bronzezeit verbreitete sich das begehrte neue Metall über ganz Europa. Es veränderte Arbeitssektoren, Netzwerke, Weltanschauungen und Gesellschaften und brachte unterschiedliche Transformationen in diversen Lebensbereichen mit sich. Mit diesem Buch werden alle Transformationsprozesse der Bronzezeit für den Raum Schleswig-Holstein in den Blick genommen.

In diesem Forschungsrahmen entwickelte sich die Fundstelle Mang de Bargen bei Bornhöved (Kreis Segeberg), einst Ziel von Kieswerke...