Resultaten (33)

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 90,25

Artefact Biographies from Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe and Beyond

Papers in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn

2024 || Hardcover || Annemieke Verbaas e.a. || Sidestone Press

This volume has been written in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn in order to celebrate her distinguished career as an archaeologist and, above all, as an expert in the study of material culture. Annelou started her research with the use-wear analysis of prehistoric flint from the Netherlands, and she extended her interests in every possible direction: time, space, materials and technologies. This volume has been compiled to reflect the broad oeuvre of her work. It focuses on the biographi...

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morgen verzonden


Hoofdstad van een wereldrijk

2024 || Paperback || Lucas Petit e.a. || Sidestone Press

Nineveh, de machtige hoofdstad van het Assyrische rijk, fascineerde klassieke en oosterse schrijvers, reizigers en geschiedkundigen sinds de verwoesting in 612 voor Christus. Zij schetsen een immense, dichtbevolkte stad met 90 kilometer lange stadsmuren, prachtige paleizen en kolossale standbeelden van goud. Sinds 1842 onderzoeken archeologen de ruïnes van Nineveh, die gelegen zijn aan de oostelijke oevers van de Tigris, vlakbij de moderne stad Mosul in Irak. De honderdduizenden objecten die...

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morgen verzonden

Death and display

Kuba funerary art from the Congo River Basin

2024 || Hardcover || Raymond Corbey || Sidestone Press

During funerals of nobles in the Kuba kingdom (Democratic Republic of Congo), visitors used to theatrically offer so-called bongotols to the deceased and the mourning family. These highly appreciated valuables were either positioned under the corpse to support it or displayed on top of it.

In addition to their religious meaning they displayed the status and wealth of both givers and takers. Visitors would receive similar items in return. Afterwards the bongotols were stashed until, on occasio...

Leverbaar vanaf 2 september

Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1

2024 || Hardcover || Harry van Enckevort e.a. || Sidestone Press

This publication – Current Approaches to Roman Frontiers – is the first volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings arranged around the original sessions, in order to form coherent thematical collections that make the vast output more accessible to generalists and specialists alike. This volume starts with a recap of the congress. Regarding the themes it deals with a contemporary feminist approach; new digital methodologies and computational modelling; three themes on archaeological ...

Leverbaar vanaf 15 juli
met 5% korting 123,50

Larger than Life

The Ommerschans hoard and the role of giant swords in the European Bronze Age (1500-1100 BC)

2024 || Hardcover || Luc Amkreutz e.a. || Sidestone Press

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 71,25

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)

Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle

2024 || Paperback || Catherine Louboutin e.a. || Sidestone Press

Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon européen des institutions muséales abritant les vestiges issus du sol. Au-delà d’une histoire de l’institution, il s’agit de montrer comment une pensée politique et des conceptions historiques se sont retrouvées reflétées ...

Leverbaar vanaf 2 september

Living and dying on the Roman Frontier and beyond

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 3

2024 || Paperback || Harry van Enckevort e.a. || Sidestone Press

This publication – Living and Dying on the Roman Frontiers and Beyond – is the third volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with a variety of themes, including the iconography of victory; aspects of frontier societies; mobility and the place of children; funerary archaeology; the significance of Roman imports beyond the frontiers. The proceedings are mostly arranged around the original sessions, creating coherent thematical collections that make the vast output more ac...

Leverbaar vanaf 2 september

Supplying the Roman Empire

Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4

2024 || Paperback || Harry van Enckevort e.a. || Sidestone Press

This publication – Supplying the Roman Empire – is the fourth volume of the LIMES XXV’s congress proceedings and deals with various aspects of the supply and provisioning of the Roman empire, and the role of the Roman armies housed on its fringes herein. The result is a wide-ranging collection of papers dealing with topics such as: finds of organic material; riverine and maritime supply and security; militarily controlled mining; building material procurement and processing; agro-politi...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 90,25

Plakkaatboek Kust van Guinea, 1597/1611-1872 - Band 2

Traktaten, Instructies, Reglementen en andere documenten betrekking hebbende op De Kust van Guinea, 1597/1611 – 1872

2024 || Hardcover || A. van Dantzig e.a. || Sidestone Press

Het koloniale rijk van Nederland spreidde zich uit over de hele wereld. Ook in westelijk Afrika vestigde de West Indische Compagnie (WIC) handelsposten. De belangrijkste koopwaar betrof slaafgemaakten, ivoor en goud. Vanaf de vroege zeventiende eeuw tot het einde van de negentiende eeuw oefenden de Nederlanders met deze handel vergaande invloed uit op Afrikaanse samenlevingen, met name op de Goudkust, het huidige Ghana. Vanuit het fort Elmina werden jaarlijks duizenden slaafgemaakten naar Ame...

Vóór 16:30 uur besteld,
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met 5% korting 142,50

Five New Kingdom Tombs at Saqqara

2024 || Hardcover || Maarten Raven || Sidestone Press

The five tombs dealt with in this book were explored between 2009 and 2017 by the Leiden-Turin Expedition in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara. All of them can be described as minor tombs, constructed wherever some space was still available in the cemetery between the major monuments of 18th Dynasty date. Some of them were clearly built against the exterior walls of these previous monuments, whereas their unusual plans show how the builders had to adapt to the cramped conditions in the ce...