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Resultaten (224)
morgen verzonden
Gender and Migration
A Gender-Sensitive Approach to Migration Dynamics
2018 || Paperback || Christiane Timmerman e.a. || Leuven University Press
Considering the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between gender relations and migration, the contributions in this book approach migration dynamics from a gender-sensitive perspective. Bringing together insights from various fields of study, it is demonstrated how processes of social change occur differently in distinct life domains, over time, and across countries and/or regions, influencing the relationship between gender and migration. Detailed analysis by regions, countries, and types ...
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Sensorial Aesthetics in Music Practices
|| Kathleen Coessens || Leuven University Press
The Western history of aesthetics is characterised by tension between theory and practice. Musicians listen, play, and then listen more profoundly in order to play differently, adapt the body, and sense the environment. They become deeply involved in the sensorial qualities of music practice. Artistic practice refers to the original meaning of aesthetics—the senses. Whereas Baumgarten and Goethe explored the relationship between sensibility and reason, sensation and thinking, later philosop...
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Comics of the New Europe
Reflections and Intersections
2020 || Paperback || Martha Kuhlman e.a. || Leuven University Press
Bringing together the work of an array of North American and European scholars, this collection highlights a previously unexamined area within global comics studies. It analyses comics from countries formerly behind the Iron Curtain like East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Ukraine, given their shared history of WWII and Communism. In addition to situating these graphic narratives in their national and subnational contexts, Comics of the New Europe pays part...
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Nothing to It
Reading Freud as a Philosopher
2020 || Paperback || Emmanuel Falque || Leuven University Press
The confrontation between philosophy and psychoanalysis has had its heyday. After the major debates between Paul Ricoeur, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Henry, this dialogue now seems to have broken down. It has therefore proven necessary and gainful to revisit these debates to explore their re-usability and the degree to which they can provide new insights from a contemporary point of view. It can be said that contemporary philosophy suffers from an ‘exc...
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Listening to the other
2020 || Paperback || Stefan Östersjö || Leuven University Press
Our contemporary, globalised society demands new forms of listening. But what are these new forms? In Listening to the Other, Stefan Östersjö challenges conventional understandings of the ways musicians listen. He develops a transmodal understanding of listening that is situated in the body—a body that is extended by its mediation through musical instruments and other technologies. Listening habits can turn these tools—and even the body itself—into resistant objects or musical Others....
morgen verzonden
Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. XXV-XXVII
2020 || Hardcover || Henry of Ghent || Leuven University Press
Das Buch bietet die erste kritische Edition der Artikel XXV-XXVII der Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) des Heinrich von Gent. Dabei leistet es einen Beitrag zur Geschichte der Formen und Pfade der Ideenvermittlung im Mittelalter und zur mittelalterlichen Buchkultur.
Die Kollationierung der Handschriften der Artikel XXV-XXVII und die Untersuchung ihrer materiellen Überlieferung haben der Editorin erlaubt, den Prozess der Ausarbeitung, Publikation und Verbreitung einer Portion von Heinrichs Sum...
morgen verzonden
Postcolonialism and Migration in French Comics
2020 || Paperback || Mark McKinney || Leuven University Press
Postcolonialism and migration are major themes in contemporary French comics and have roots in the Algerian War (1954–62), anti-racist struggle, and mass migration to France. This volume studies comics from the formal dismantling of the French colonial empire in 1962 up to the present. French cartoonists of ethnic minority and immigrant heritage are a major focus, including Zeina Abirached (Lebanon), Yvan Alagbé (Benin), Baru (Italy), Enki Bilal (former Yugoslavia), Farid Boudjellal (Alger...
morgen verzonden
Heraldic Hierarchies
Identity, Status and State Intervention in Early Modern Heraldry
2021 || Paperback || Steven Thiry e.a. || Leuven University Press
Early modern heraldry was far from a nostalgic remnant from a feudal past. From the Reformation to the French Revolution, aspiring men seized on these signs to position themselves in a changing society, imbuing heraldic tradition with fresh meaning. Whereas post-medieval developments are all too often described in terms of decadence and stifling formality, recent studies rightly stress the dynamic capacity of bearing arms.
Heraldic Hierarchies aims to correct former misconceptions. Contributi...
morgen verzonden
Peter de Rivo on Chronology and the Calendar
2020 || Hardcover || Matthew S. Champion e.a. || Leuven University Press
Peter de Rivo (c.1420–1499), a renowned philosopher active at the University of Leuven, is today mostly remembered for his controversial role in the quarrel over future contingents (1465–1475). Much less known are his contributions to historical chronology, in particular his attempts to determine the dates of Christ’s birth and death. In 1471, Peter made an original contribution to this long-standing discussion with his Dyalogus de temporibus Christi, which reconciles conflicting views ...
morgen verzonden
Saving the Overlooked Continent
American Protestant Missions in Western Europe, 1940-1975
2020 || Paperback || Hans Krabbendam || Leuven University Press
Among a wide spectrum of American Protestants, the horrors of World War II triggered grave concern for Europe’s religious future. They promptly mobilised resources to revive Europe’s Christian foundation. Saving the Overlooked Continent reconstructs this surprising redirection of Western missions. For the first time, Europe became the recipient of America’s missionary enterprise.
The American missionary impulse matched the military, economic, and political programs of the U.S., all of w...